National Symbols of Serbia

Last updated on May 14th, 2023 by Editorial Staff

Table Of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Country Information
  3. Coat of arms
  4. Flag map
  5. Country motto
  6. National animal
  7. National flower
  8. National bird
  9. Rest of national symbols
  10. State symbols
  11. Neighbouring countries
  12. Proverbs & sayings
  13. Compare with other countries
  14. Location

By | Updated on May 14, 2023

Reviewed by Rittika

Serbia is a country located in the west-central Balkans, the core republic of Yugoslavia. The Serbian flag consists of three equal bands of national colors; red symbolizing the country’s bloodshed, blue for liberty, and white representing the mother’s milk. The flag also has the coat of arms, also the national symbols, the white double-headed eagle, and the Serbian cross. The capital is the cosmopolitan city of Belgrade, while its official language is Serbian. The ethnic diversity in the country includes Serbs, Hungarians, Romans, and Bosniaks. The majority of the population is Christian. Serbia uses “Serbian Dinar” as their official money. The country code is “+381,” and the official domain is “.rs.”

Serbia’s founder is considered “Karadorde,” who led the uprising against the Ottomans in the early 19th century and was the first ruler of the Karadjordjevic Dynasty. Serbians celebrate “Statehood Day,” the 15th of February when the uprising started as their national day. The national hero is Milos Obilic, a reputable Serbian Knight who fought against the Ottomans during the Ottoman invasion of Serbia and assassinated Sultan Murad in the Battle of Kosovo.

One of Serbia’s national symbols is “Bubanj Memorial Park,” which was built after World War II to remember the shooting and the execution of more than 10 000 Serbians. The national mausoleum is the “Tomb of People’s Heroes,” reserving the graves of the “Order of the People’s Hero,” people who served the country with extraordinary heroic deeds for Yugoslavia.

The country’s national animal is the wolf, while the national bird is the “golden eagle.” “The Lily of the Valley” is also seen as a national symbol and the national flower, while “the Oak” is the national tree. “Gibanica,” an egg and cheese pie made with filo dough, and “Pljeskavica,” a type of ground beef, are considered the national dish. And the national drink of Serbia is “Rakija,” a variety of the anis liquor raki, flavored with fruits.

Serbia’s national folkloric dance is called “Cacak,” which describes a family of 10-measure (20-step) dances typical to the Balkan area. The national dress consists of leather shoes called “Opanci,” a V-shaped cap called “Šajkača,” or a “Šubara,” which is a conical shape hat for cold weather. The national instrument is the “Serbian Gusle,” a basic string instrument. The most popular sport in the country is football, like most Balkans. Serbia also has an airline, “Air Serbia.”

– Further information regarding the symbols and knowledge of Serbia can be found in the table of contents –

Country information

Former name(s) Principality of Serbia
Official name(s) Republic of Serbia
Alternative name(s) Republic of Serbia (official, English), Servia (archaic, English)
Regional location Southeastern Europe, between Macedonia and Hungary
Country name etymology Unknown
Climate In the north, continental climate (cold winters and hot, humid summers with well-distributed rainfall); in other parts, continental and Mediterranean climate (relatively cold winters with heavy snowfall and hot, dry summers and autumns)
Terrain Extremely varied; to the north, rich fertile plains; to the east, limestone ranges and basins; to the southeast, ancient mountains and hills
Population 8,737,371
National Day 15 Apr 1835
Language(s) Serbian
Religion Christianity
Country code +381
Literacy rate 98.8%
Currency Serbian dinar
Capital city Belgrade
Domain(TLD) .rs
Ethnicity Serbs, Hungarians, Roma, and Bosniaks
Head of government Prime Minister
Nationality Serbian
Driving side Drive on the Right-hand side
Date format dd/mm/yyyy
Total area 88,361 km² (34,116 sq mi)
Timezone UTC+1 (CET)
Average elevation 473 m (1,552 ft)
Coastline 0 km (landlocked)
Mains electricity 230 V
Emergency telephone numbers Emergency Telephone Numbers

Coat of arms

Flag map of Serbia

Flag map of Serbia

Motto of Serbia

No official motto

National animal of Serbia

The National animal of Serbia is Gray Wolf

National Animal of Serbia - Gray Wolf

National flower of Serbia

The National flower of Serbia is Lily of the valley. Botanical name is Convallaria Majalis.

National flower of Serbia - Lily of the valley

National bird of Serbia

The National bird of Serbia is Golden eagle

National bird of Serbia - Golden eagle

Rest of the National symbols of Serbia 👇

Neighbouring countries of Serbia

Serbian Proverbs - Popular quotes, proverbs and sayings.

He who drinks on credit, gets drunk twice.

When your wine is finished, conversation ends; when your money has been spent, you lose your friends.

A good reputation is better than a golden girdle.

God does not pay every Saturday.

Three times measure, one time cut.

Who does not keep a cat keeps mice.

God created the beard on himself first.

The wound heals, the scar remains.

When big bells ring, little ones are not heard.

You can judge what you make by what others make.

It is easy to tempt a frog to the river.

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Country location

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