Belarusian Proverbs

Popular quotes, proverbs and sayings by Nationality

Who drinks till bottom, lives without mind.

When you live next to the cemetery you cannot weep for everyone.

Fear the law not the judge.

There are only two types of Chinese those who give bribes and those who take them.

Who talks little hears better.

Devils live in beautiful mansions.

What makes you happy, makes you rich.

One who seeks no friends is his own enemy.

When a girl is born all four walls weep.

Everything tastes bitter to him with gall in his mouth.

What the heart doesn't see, the eye will not see either.

Not all who make love make marriages.

We do not care of what we have, but we cry when it is lost.

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What is Belarus known for?

Belarus is known for its lakes and forests, as well as a range of both traditional Belarusian and Soviet-era sweets

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