National anthem of Zambia: Stand and Sing of Zambia, Proud and Free

The Zambian national anthem was written by (Collectively) and composed by Enoch Sontonga.

Atumutembaule Zambia, mbotubelekela antoomwe, Twakazunda akwaanguluka, Akulilela, Toonse Tuswangane. Afrika mbabaama besu, Cisi cakalelekw' aLeza, Toonse tobantu tuswaangane, Mubwanabokwabo, Zambia Omubotu. Ciinga comwe ncotulilila, Mbulemu aluumuno mucisi, Mbuli Sikwaze Mbwauluka, Zambia, omubotu, Toonse Tuswangane. Atulumbe, Leza Leza Wesu Cisi Cesu, Zambia, Zambia, Zambia, Andembela, yuunga mucisi cesu, Zambia Omubotu, Toonse Tuswangane

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What is Zambia known for?

Zambia is known for being the best Safari destination. Zambia is also home to the biggest waterfalls, as well as the biggest lake

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