New Zealander Proverbs

Popular quotes, proverbs and sayings by Nationality

It may only be a small storm yet a successful outcome is imminent.

In this world I greet my oldest survivor — the earth.

Walk in the valley of our ancestors, learn of the history, and marvel at the beauty.

A little axe, when well used, brings lots of food.

Survival is the treasured goal.

Don’t lean on your fellow men — theirs is an ever moving support.

Let us keep close together, not far apart.

When one chief falls, another one rises.

Boast during the day; be humble at night.

Only the foolish visit the land of the cannibals.

Let us hurry and finish up the food; when visitors arrive, the meal will be over.

Who lives in a quiet house has plenty.

Take time to enjoy life’s roses.

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New Zealand is known for its National Rugby team, the indigenous Maori culture, and its picturesque landscape

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