National Symbols of Uruguay

Last updated on March 21st, 2023 by Editorial Staff

Table Of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Country Information
  3. Coat of arms
  4. Flag map
  5. Country motto
  6. National animal
  7. National flower
  8. National bird
  9. Rest of national symbols
  10. State symbols
  11. Neighbouring countries
  12. Proverbs & sayings
  13. Compare with other countries
  14. Location

By | Updated on March 21, 2023

Reviewed by Rittika

Lying along the Atlantic Ocean, Uruguay is the second-smallest country in South America and is bordered by Brazil and Argentina. The capital city is Montevideo, and the official language is Spanish. The population is primarily white Mestizo and Native and is mainly Christian. The country uses Peso Urugayo as the official currency while the country code is +598 and the official domain is “.uy.”

“Liberty Or Death” is the country’s official motto, originating from the War of Independence of the United Provinces of the River La Plata, which ended in 1825 with Argentina and Uruguay earning their independence from Brazil and the Kingdom of Portugal. The day of the declaration, the 25th of August is still celebrated as the national day. The leading commander Jose Gervasio Artigas is the father and the national hero of the country.

The flag features nine equal horizontal stripes alternating white and blue, the national colors, and the Sun Of May in the upper right-hand corner. The national emblem features an oval with the Sun Of May on top. The oval is surrounded by olive tree branches and has four sections in which a golden scale, Montevideo Hill, a galloping black horse, and a golden ox can be found.

The national animal and bird of the country are Southern Lapwing which is extremely common in the country and is a strong national symbol. The national flower is the Erythrina crista-Galli or Ceibo, while the national tree is the endemic Cockspur Croal Tree with its impressive red flowers. Another country symbol, Chivito, is considered the national dish, a typical beef sandwich, and mate is the national drink, an infusion of yerba mate leaves. Blueberries are a big part of Uruguayan culture and are the national fruit. They are also considered Uruguayan symbols.

Gauchos, the whole Latin cowboy dress, is the folkloric dress along with the folkloric dance, and candombe that originated from Afro-Uruguayan origin.

Like many other Latin Americans, Uruguayans love football, and it is the national sport. Juan Zorilla de San Martin, the famous poet, diplomat, and journalist, is respected and loved as the national poet of Uruguay. The national monument is the Artigas mausoleum, where the national hero Artigas’ tomb is located. Uruguay also has a national airline called Pluna Lineas.

Luis Lacalle Pou is the current President of Uruguay.

– Further information regarding the symbols and knowledge of Uruguay can be found in the table of contents –

Country information

Former name(s) Banda Oriental
Official name(s) Oriental Republic of Uruguay
Alternative name(s) N/A
Regional location Southern South America, bordering the South Atlantic Ocean, between Argentina and Brazil
Country name etymology "Land beside the Uruguay River", a shortened form of the Spanish Republica Oriental del Uruguay ("Eastern Republic of Uruguay")
Climate Warm temperate; freezing temperatures almost unknown
Terrain Mostly rolling plains and low hills; fertile coastal lowland
Population 3,473,730
National Day 25 Aug 1835
Language(s) Spanish
Religion Christianity
Country code +598
Literacy rate 98.7%
Currency Peso Uruguayo
Capital city Montevideo
Domain(TLD) .uy
Ethnicity White Mestizo or natives
Head of government Prime Minister
Nationality Uruguayan
Driving side Drive on the Right-hand side
Date format dd/mm/yyyy
Total area 176,215 km² (68,037 sq mi)
Timezone UTC−3 (UYT)
Average elevation 109 m (358 ft)
Coastline 660 km
Mains electricity 230 V
Emergency telephone numbers Emergency Telephone Numbers

Coat of arms

Flag map of Uruguay

Flag map of Uruguay

Motto of Uruguay

Libertad o Muerte - "Liberty or Death"

National animal of Uruguay

The National animal of Uruguay is Southern lapwing

National Animal of Uruguay - Southern lapwing

National flower of Uruguay

The National flower of Uruguay is Cockspur. Botanical name is Erythrina crista-galli.

National flower of Uruguay - Cockspur

National bird of Uruguay

The National bird of Uruguay is Southern lapwing

National bird of Uruguay - Southern lapwing

Rest of the National symbols of Uruguay 👇

Neighbouring countries of Uruguay

Uruguayan Proverbs - Popular quotes, proverbs and sayings.

In time of war, any hole is trench

You don’t study to be a fool.

Find as much love as was given by your father and mother many times.

He who doesn’t die on the battlefield slips in the bathtub.

Don’t take every ill to the doctor, or every quarrel to the lawyer, or every thirst to the tavern.

God helps The early bird.

He who doesn’t die on the battlefield slips in the bathtub.

Gifts break rocks and melt hearts.

The favor of a man in power is like a summer shower.

A stolen object brings no joy to one’s heart.

Better to marry a neighbor than a stranger.

Cunning is better than force.

That which is done at night appears in the day.

Better to lose a minute in your life than your life in a minute.

Time will give you the best disguise.

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