State Symbols of Oklahoma

Last updated on January 22nd, 2023 by Editorial Staff

By | Updated on January 22, 2023

Reviewed by Rittika

Oklahoma is a constituent state in the South Central region of the United States. The word Oklahoma comes from the Choctaw Indian phrase for “red people.” On April 22, 1889, the Oklahoma Territory lands were made available for settlement claims. At the border, thousands of people were queued up, waiting for the signal to cross the area and seize a piece of land. A group of people staked their claims early. These people were known as “Sooners.” Since then, Oklahoma is also informally known as The Sooner State.

It is bordered on the south and west by Texas, on the north by Kansas, on the northeast by Missouri, on the east by Arkansas, on the west by New Mexico, and on the northwest by Colorado.

Guthrie, Oklahoma served as Oklahoma’s first capital until it was transferred to Oklahoma City in 1910.

The total area of Oklahoma is 69,899 sq mi (181,037 sq km), ranking it the twentieth most extensive state. The state’s total population, according to the census of 2020, is 3,959,353 making it the twenty-eight most populous state in the United States.

Before Francisco Vázquez de Coronado’s expedition in 1541, the region was home to speakers of at least three significant Native American language groups. The area was under Spanish rule until 1800. The territory was then purchased from Spain by French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte in 1800. With the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, the territory became a part of the United States. Part of the Indian Territory became Oklahoma Territory in the 1890s. The Indian Territory and Oklahoma Territory were re-joined to form the state of Oklahoma. On November 16, 1907, Oklahoma was admitted to the Union as the 46th state.

Oklahoma is still home to more than thirty different tribes. Every summer, visitors from all over the world go to Oklahoma City to experience Native American artwork and dance performances at the Red Earth Native American Cultural Festival.

Mistletoe grows on trees all over Oklahoma, but it is more common in the state’s southern parts. The Mistletoe is the official state floral emblem of Oklahoma. It is the earliest symbol of Oklahoma, which was chosen in 1893, fourteen years before statehood.

The interesting fact is that Oklahoma is the first state to have an official state cartoon character. Donald Kenneth Woods (1928 – 2012) was an American meteorologist and cartoonist. Don Woods began his career as a weather forecaster for KTUL TV in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1954 which lasted for 35 years. Don developed a cartoon character named Gusty® to depict the forecasted weather conditions. Don and Gusty® were very popular throughout Oklahoma. In 2005 Gusty® was named the official state cartoon character of Oklahoma.

In 1951, Oklahoma made the Scissor-tailed flycatcher its official state bird. Oklahoma rose was named the state flower in 2004.

The official motto of the state is “Labor Omnia Vincit (Labor Conquers All Things)”. “Oklahoma” became the state song and anthem in 1953.

The official language of Oklahoma is English. Choctaw has been the official language of the Choctaw Nation since 2010, while Cherokee has been the official language of the Cherokee and the UKB since 1991.

State Information

Official Language English, Choctaw, Cherokee
State Rank 20
Demonym(s) Oklahoman
Nickname Native America, Land of the Red Man, The Sooner State
Formation Date November 16, 1907
Coordinates Lat: 33°37' N to 37° N, Long: 94° 26' W to 103° W

Motto of Oklahoma

Labor omnia vincit-" Work conquers all"

State symbols of Oklahoma 👇

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