National Symbols of New Zealand

Last updated on May 21st, 2023 by Editorial Staff

Table Of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Country Information
  3. Coat of arms
  4. Flag map
  5. Country motto
  6. National animal
  7. National flower
  8. National bird
  9. Rest of national symbols
  10. State symbols
  11. Neighbouring countries
  12. Proverbs & sayings
  13. Compare with other countries
  14. Location

By | Updated on May 21, 2023

Reviewed by Rittika

New Zealand is a relatively large North and South Islands, as well as almost 700 other tiny islands of Polynesia, washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean and the Tasman Sea. The state, due to its geographical location, is somewhat isolated from the rest of the world. The nearest major neighbor of New Zealand is Australia, which is located “some” 1700 kilometers away.

The capital of New Zealand is the city of Wellington, with a population of 418,500. The country’s currency is the New Zealand dollar. There are two official languages – English and Maori.

The ethnic structure of New Zealand: Europeans (mostly from the UK) — 78%, Maori (indigenous) – 10%, other Polynesians-4%, Asian – about 8%.

Today, the most widespread religion in New Zealand is Christianity. Church of England — 24%, Presbyterian – 18%, Catholic-15%, Protestant Churches-10%.
The domain is .nz and the country code is +64.

National symbols of New Zealand are used to represent what is unique about the nation, reflecting different aspects of its cultural life and history. They are the Flag, Coat of Arms, “God Defend New Zealand” and “God Save the Queen” Anthems and national colors. National symbols of New Zealand have used red ochre, black, and white/silver which are considered as national colors. The Māori flag, official since 1990, also uses these colors with attached symbolism.

The Kiwi bird is considered an unofficial national symbol of New Zealand and is found only here. It is a favorite symbol of New Zealand culture, depicted on coins, postage stamps, etc. Kiwi is also a humorous nickname for the New Zealanders themselves.

The Hangi is one of the few dishes that has been preserved in New Zealand cuisine from the traditions of the Maori. Any food, usually meat with vegetables, fish, and root vegetables, is prepared in a special oven underground. All the ingredients are wrapped in leaves (in our time, and in foil), then they are lowered to the bottom of the pit, covered with earth, and made a fire. After three to four hours, the food is ready. The Hangi is usually considered a national New Zealand dish.

– Further information regarding the symbols and knowledge of New Zealand can be found in the table of contents –

Country information

Former name(s) Aotearoa
Official name(s) New Zealand
Alternative name(s) New Zealand (official, English), Aotearoa (official, Maori)
Regional location Oceania, islands in the South Pacific Ocean, southeast of Australia
Country name etymology Named after the province of Zeeland in the Netherlands, which means "sea land", referring to the large number of islands it contains
Climate Temperate with sharp regional contrasts
Terrain Predominately mountainous with some large coastal plains
Population 4,822,233
National Day 6 Feb 1840
Language(s) Māori
Religion Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism
Country code +64
Literacy rate 100%
Currency New Zealand dollar
Capital city Wellington
Domain(TLD) .nz
Ethnicity Māori
Head of government Prime Minister
Nationality New Zealander
Driving side Drive on the Left-hand side
Date format dd/mm/yyyy
Total area 268,021 km² (103,483 sq mi)
Timezone UTC+12 (NZST
Average elevation 388 m (1,273 ft)
Coastline 15,134 km
Mains electricity 230 V
Emergency telephone numbers Emergency Telephone Numbers

Coat of arms

Flag map of New Zealand

Flag map of New Zealand

Motto of New Zealand


National animal of New Zealand

The National animal of New Zealand is Kiwi

National Animal of New Zealand - Kiwi

National flower of New Zealand

The National flower of New Zealand is Kowhai. Botanical name is Sophora.

National flower of New Zealand - Kowhai

National bird of New Zealand

The National bird of New Zealand is Kiwi

National bird of New Zealand - Kiwi

Rest of the National symbols of New Zealand 👇

Neighbouring countries of New Zealand

New Zealander Proverbs - Popular quotes, proverbs and sayings.

It may only be a small storm yet a successful outcome is imminent.

In this world I greet my oldest survivor — the earth.

Walk in the valley of our ancestors, learn of the history, and marvel at the beauty.

A little axe, when well used, brings lots of food.

Survival is the treasured goal.

Don’t lean on your fellow men — theirs is an ever moving support.

Let us keep close together, not far apart.

When one chief falls, another one rises.

Boast during the day; be humble at night.

Only the foolish visit the land of the cannibals.

Let us hurry and finish up the food; when visitors arrive, the meal will be over.

Who lives in a quiet house has plenty.

Take time to enjoy life’s roses.

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Country location

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