Kuwaiti Proverbs

Popular quotes, proverbs and sayings by Nationality

Movement has good fortune in it and good luck need a jump.

Believe what you see and not all you hear.

Full grain plants bow humbly, while the empty ones raise their heads proudly.

Give your bread dough to the baker, even if he eats half of it.

I complained because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet.

Each hajji goes to mecca his own way.

God sells knowledge for labour -- honour for risk.

A known mistake is better than an unknown truth.

In a month without wages, do not count the days.

He who plants thorns must never expect to gather roses.

Don't send an old man to buy a donkey, nor a young man to woo a wife.

A mother is a school, preparing her is like preparing a good nation

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Kuwait is known for its oil reserves and hot sand dunes

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