National anthem of Greenland: Nunarput, utoqqarsuanngoravit

The Greenlandic national anthem was written by Henrik Lund and composed by Jonathan Petersen.

Nunarput, utoqqarsuanngoravit Niaqqut ulissimavoq qiinik. Qitornatit kissumiaannarpatit Tunillugit sineriavit piinik. Akullequtaasut merlertutut Ilinni perortugut tamaani Kalaallinik imminik taajumavugut Niaqquit ataqqinartup saani. Taqilluni naami atunngiveqaaq Kalaallit siumut makigitsi. Inuttut inuuneq pigiuminaqaaq Saperasi isumaqaleritsi.

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