Utah flag Colors Code hex, png svg



RGB: 7, 29, 73

CMYK: 90, 60, 0, 71



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0

Bright Red


RGB: 170, 2, 0

CMYK: 0, 99, 100, 33

My Sin


RGB: 255, 184, 29

CMYK: 0, 28, 89, 0

Utah Flag History and Colors Meaning


The flag of Utah has undergone several changes since its adoption. Here is a brief history:

  1. 1903: The first flag of Utah was created for the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition. It featured the Utah state seal on a blue background.
  2. 1911: Officially adopted by the state legislature, the flag displayed the state seal on a blue field.
  3. 1913: An error in flag design added the year “1847” above the shield on the state seal, and the word “Industry” below it. This version became the official flag, with minor variations continuing until the present day.
  4. 2011: The flag was standardized to ensure consistent design, correcting various errors and discrepancies that had appeared over the years.

Colors and Meaning

The flag of Utah consists of several elements, each with its own symbolism:

  1. Blue Background: Represents vigilance, perseverance, and justice.
  2. State Seal: Central to the flag’s design, the state seal is rich with symbolism:
  • Beehive: Represents industry and the pioneer virtues of thrift and perseverance.
  • Sego Lily: Utah’s state flower, symbolizing peace.
  • Eagle: A symbol of protection in peace and war.
  • Flags of the United States: Signify Utah’s support and loyalty to the nation.
  • 1847: The year when Brigham Young and the first group of Mormon pioneers arrived in the Salt Lake Valley.
  • 1896: The year Utah achieved statehood.
  1. Gold Circle: Surrounds the seal, symbolizing the eternal light of the state.
  2. White Text: The word “Industry,” found on the state seal, reflects the importance of hard work and community.

These elements combine to form a flag that encapsulates Utah’s heritage, values, and pride.

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