Thailand flag Colors Code hex, png svg



RGB: 239, 51, 64

CMYK: 0, 79, 73, 6



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0

Resolution Blue


RGB: 0, 36, 125

CMYK: 100, 71, 0, 51

The flag of Thailand, also known as the “Triranga” or “Tricolor,” has a history and symbolism tied to the country’s identity.


  • Initial Design: The current flag was adopted on September 28, 1917. Before that, Thailand (then known as Siam) used a variety of flags, including ones with different symbols and colors.
  • Revised Design: King Rama VI introduced the current design during World War I. He wanted a new flag that would unify the nation and reflect Thailand’s sovereignty.

Colors and Meaning

  • Red: Represents the land and the people. It signifies the bloodshed in the fight for the country’s freedom and independence.
  • White: Symbolizes Buddhism, which is the predominant religion in Thailand, and signifies purity and peace.
  • Blue: Represents the monarchy and the nation’s unity. It was also chosen because it contrasts well with the red and white, making the flag more distinct.

The flag consists of horizontal stripes in red, white, and blue. The blue stripe is in the center and is twice as wide as each of the red and white stripes, emphasizing the importance of the monarchy.

The flag’s design reflects Thailand’s national values and the unity of its people, monarchy, and religion.

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