Texas flag Colors Code hex, png svg

Prussian Blue


RGB: 0, 32, 91

CMYK: 100, 65, 0, 64



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0



RGB: 191, 13, 62

CMYK: 0, 93, 68, 25

History of the Texas Flag

The Texas flag, known as the “Lone Star Flag,” was adopted on January 25, 1839, as the national flag of the Republic of Texas. It remained the national flag until Texas joined the United States in 1845, at which point it became the state flag.

The design of the Lone Star Flag was created by Dr. Charles B. Stewart, who drew it in 1838. The flag features a single white star, which symbolizes Texas as an independent republic and its struggle for independence from Mexico.

Design and Colors

The Texas flag consists of three main elements:

  1. Vertical blue stripe on the left side
  2. Horizontal white stripe on the top
  3. Horizontal red stripe on the bottom

In the blue stripe, there is a single white five-pointed star.

Meaning of the Colors

The colors of the Texas flag are deeply symbolic and carry significant meaning:

  • Blue: Represents loyalty. This reflects the loyalty of Texas citizens to their state and their country.
  • White: Symbolizes purity and liberty. The white stripe stands for the purity of the cause of liberty and the purity of the Texas fight for independence.
  • Red: Signifies bravery. The red stripe honors the bravery of those who fought and shed their blood for Texas independence.

The single white star, known as the “Lone Star,” represents the unity of Texas as one for God, State, and Country.

The Lone Star Flag is a powerful symbol of Texas identity, reflecting the state’s history, values, and pride.

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