Puerto Rico flag Colors Code hex, png svg

Alizarin Crimson


RGB: 233, 34, 40

CMYK: 0, 85, 83, 9



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0



RGB: 58, 94, 171

CMYK: 66, 45, 0, 33

The flag of Puerto Rico has a rich history and symbolic meaning:


  • Origins: The flag of Puerto Rico was designed in 1895 by the Puerto Rican Revolutionary Committee, which was based in New York City. The design was inspired by the Cuban flag, symbolizing solidarity with Cuba’s struggle for independence from Spain.
  • Adoption: The flag was officially adopted as the national flag of Puerto Rico by the Puerto Rican government on July 24, 1952, following the establishment of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

Design and Colors

The flag consists of five alternating red and white stripes with a blue equilateral triangle on the hoist side, containing a white, five-pointed star in the center.

Meaning of the Colors

  • Red Stripes: The three red stripes symbolize the blood that nourishes the three branches of government (Legislative, Executive, and Judicial).
  • White Stripes: The two white stripes represent the rights of the individual and the freedom of the people.
  • Blue Triangle: The blue triangle stands for the sky and coastal waters of Puerto Rico. It also represents the Republican government.
  • White Star: The single white star represents the island of Puerto Rico itself and its quest for freedom.

The flag’s design reflects a blend of historical influences and the aspirations of the Puerto Rican people for identity and autonomy.

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