Panama flag Colors Code hex, png svg



RGB: 218, 18, 26

CMYK: 0, 92, 88, 15



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0



RGB: 7, 35, 87

CMYK: 92, 60, 0, 66

The flag of Panama has a rich history and its colors hold significant symbolism:

  1. Design: The flag of Panama consists of four rectangles: two blue outer rectangles, a white inner rectangle, and a red square in the upper left corner (hoist side) with a blue star.
  2. Colors:
  • Red: Represents the Conservative Party and the Liberal Party, which historically unified the country.
  • White: Symbolizes peace and purity.
  • Blue: Represents the Conservative Party and the Liberal Party, and also stands for the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.
  • Blue Star: Represents the civic virtues and the noble aspirations of the country.
  1. History: The current design was officially adopted on December 20, 1903, after Panama gained independence from Colombia. The original flag, used during the separation from Colombia, had the same colors but arranged differently.

This flag design has remained largely unchanged since its adoption and reflects Panama’s history, aspirations, and political unity.

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