Pan flag Colors Code hex, png svg

Persian Rose


RGB: 255, 33, 140

CMYK: 0, 87, 45, 0

School bus Yellow


RGB: 255, 216, 0

CMYK: 0, 15, 100, 0

Dodger Blue


RGB: 33, 177, 255

CMYK: 87, 31, 0, 0

The Pansexual flag was designed to represent people who are pansexual, meaning they are attracted to others regardless of their gender identity. Here’s the history and meaning of the Pansexual flag colors:

  1. Pink: Represents attraction to people who identify within the female spectrum (regardless of their biological sex).
  2. Yellow: Represents attraction to people who identify outside the gender binary, such as non-binary, genderqueer, or gender non-conforming individuals.
  3. Blue: Represents attraction to people who identify within the male spectrum (regardless of their biological sex).

The flag was created to be inclusive of all gender identities and to emphasize that pansexual attraction is not limited by gender binaries or norms.

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