Pakistan flag Colors Code hex, png svg



RGB: 17, 87, 64

CMYK: 80, 0, 26, 66



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0

The flag of Pakistan has a rich history and significant symbolism:


  • Design and Adoption: The flag of Pakistan was designed by Syed Amir-uddin Kedwaii and was adopted on August 11, 1947, just days before Pakistan gained independence from British rule on August 14, 1947.
  • Inspiration: The flag design was inspired by the All-India Muslim League flag, which played a crucial role in the movement for Pakistan’s independence.

Design and Colors

  • Green Field: The flag features a dark green field, which represents the Muslim majority in Pakistan.
  • White Stripe: There is a vertical white stripe on the hoist side of the flag, symbolizing the religious minorities and promoting peace and harmony.
  • Crescent and Star: In the center of the green field, there is a white crescent moon and a five-pointed star.


  • Green Color: The dark green color symbolizes prosperity, peace, and the Muslim heritage of Pakistan.
  • White Stripe: The white stripe represents religious minorities, emphasizing the commitment to their rights and the importance of diversity and inclusion.
  • Crescent Moon: The crescent moon symbolizes progress, the waxing moon representing the growth and progress of the nation.
  • Five-Pointed Star: The star signifies light and knowledge, guiding the nation towards progress and enlightenment.

The flag of Pakistan, with its symbolic design, reflects the country’s foundational values and the vision of its founders for a united, peaceful, and progressive nation.

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