Norway flag Colors Code hex, png svg



RGB: 186, 12, 47

CMYK: 0, 94, 75, 27



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0

Prussian Blue


RGB: 0, 32, 91

CMYK: 100, 65, 0, 64

History of the Norwegian Flag

The Norwegian flag, a red field with a blue cross outlined in white, has a rich history rooted in the country’s past.

  1. Early Flags:
  • Pre-1814: Norway’s early flags were influenced by its union with Denmark (1380-1814), featuring a red field with a white cross, similar to Denmark’s current flag.
  • 1814-1821: Following the Treaty of Kiel and the brief independence in 1814, Norway entered a union with Sweden. The flag during this period incorporated elements of the Swedish flag.
  1. Current Flag Design:
  • Design: Adopted in 1821, the current flag was designed by Fredrik Meltzer, a member of the Norwegian parliament.
  • Inspiration: The design takes inspiration from the Danish Dannebrog and the Swedish flag, reflecting Norway’s historical ties with these nations.

Colors and Their Meaning

  • Red: Represents bravery and strength. It also nods to the Danish influence, as Denmark’s flag is red with a white cross.
  • Blue: Symbolizes truth and loyalty. The blue color is derived from the Swedish flag, reflecting the historical union between Norway and Sweden.
  • White: Stands for peace and honesty. The white cross is a common element in Scandinavian flags, representing Christianity and the shared cultural heritage of the region.

Flag Structure

  • The Cross: The Scandinavian cross, which extends to the edges of the flag, signifies Norway’s Christian heritage and its place within the Scandinavian cultural sphere.
  • Proportions: The flag has specific proportions, with the cross having a width of 1/4 of the flag’s height. The arms of the cross are placed 1/4 of the flag’s length from the hoist side.

The Norwegian flag is a symbol of national pride and history, embodying the nation’s journey from union with Denmark and Sweden to its independent identity.

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