Nonbinary flag Colors Code hex, png svg

Golden Fizz


RGB: 252, 244, 52

CMYK: 0, 3, 79, 1



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0



RGB: 156, 89, 209

CMYK: 25, 57, 0, 18



RGB: 0, 0, 0

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 100

The Nonbinary Pride Flag was created by Kye Rowan in 2014 to represent individuals whose gender identity is not exclusively male or female. The flag consists of four horizontal stripes, each with its own specific meaning:

  1. Yellow: Represents those whose gender exists outside of the binary of male and female. It signifies genders that fall outside the traditional male/female binary, encompassing identities that do not conform to this binary structure.
  2. White: Symbolizes people with many or all genders. This color stands for the inclusiveness of those who identify with multiple genders or have a fluid gender identity.
  3. Purple: Represents those whose gender identity falls somewhere between male and female, or is a mix of both. Purple is a color that has traditionally been associated with androgyny and non-binary gender expressions.
  4. Black: Represents those who feel they are without a gender. This stripe acknowledges and includes individuals who identify as agender or genderless.

The flag aims to provide visibility and representation for the diverse nonbinary community, recognizing the wide range of gender identities that do not fit within the traditional binary framework.

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