Mississippi flag Colors Code hex, png svg



RGB: 194, 31, 50

CMYK: 0, 84, 74, 24

Fuel Yellow


RGB: 234, 171, 34

CMYK: 0, 27, 85, 8



RGB: 8, 31, 64

CMYK: 88, 52, 0, 75



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0

History of the Mississippi Flag

1. The Magnolia Flag (1861-1865):

  • Design: A white field with a magnolia tree in the center and a blue canton with a single white star.
  • Historical Context: Adopted in 1861, this flag served as Mississippi’s state flag after seceding from the Union.

2. The “Stars and Bars” Flag (1894-2020):

  • Design: Three horizontal stripes of blue, white, and red, with the Confederate battle emblem in the canton.
  • Historical Context: This flag was adopted in 1894, combining the Confederate battle flag with elements of the U.S. flag. It remained the state flag for over a century.

3. The New Magnolia Flag (2020-Present):

  • Design: A central magnolia blossom on a blue field with a gold-bordered red stripe at the top and bottom. Twenty stars encircle the blossom, with one gold star at the top representing the indigenous tribes.
  • Historical Context: Following a statewide referendum in 2020, the old flag was retired due to its Confederate symbolism. The new design was selected through a public competition and officially adopted in 2021.

Colors and Their Meanings

1. Magnolia Flag:

  • White Field: Purity and innocence.
  • Magnolia Tree: Hospitality and the state’s natural beauty.
  • Blue Canton with White Star: Loyalty and unity, symbolizing Mississippi’s place in the Confederacy.

2. “Stars and Bars” Flag:

  • Blue Stripe: Vigilance, perseverance, and justice.
  • White Stripe: Purity and innocence.
  • Red Stripe: Valor and bravery.
  • Confederate Battle Emblem: Historical ties to the Confederacy, though controversial due to its association with slavery and segregation.

3. New Magnolia Flag:

  • Blue Field: Justice, vigilance, and perseverance.
  • Gold Borders: Wealth, quality, and the rich cultural heritage of Mississippi.
  • Red Stripes: Valor and bravery.
  • Magnolia Blossom: Hospitality, resilience, and the state’s natural beauty.
  • Stars: The 20 smaller stars represent Mississippi being the 20th state admitted to the Union, while the gold star honors the indigenous tribes of Mississippi.

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