Minnesota flag Colors Code hex, png svg

San Marino


RGB: 72, 105, 176

CMYK: 59, 40, 0, 31



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0



RGB: 237, 26, 58

CMYK: 0, 89, 76, 7

The Minnesota state flag has a rich history and symbolism. Here is an overview of its design, colors, and meanings:


  1. First Flag (1893)
  • Designed by Amelia Hyde Center.
  • The flag had a white background with a blue border. It featured the state seal in the center, surrounded by 19 stars, symbolizing Minnesota as the 19th state after the original 13 to join the Union.
  • The motto “L’Étoile du Nord” (The Star of the North) was included.
  • This flag was criticized for being too complex and difficult to reproduce accurately.
  1. Current Flag (1957)
  • A new design was adopted on August 1, 1957, simplifying the previous flag.
  • The new flag retained the state seal but placed it on a blue field, removing the complex border and making it easier to reproduce.
  1. Recent Discussions
  • There have been discussions and proposals to redesign the flag to better represent the state’s diversity and modern values, but no changes have been officially adopted as of now.

Design and Colors

  • Blue Field: Represents loyalty and vigilance. It serves as a backdrop for the central seal, providing a simple and dignified appearance.
  • State Seal: Central element featuring:
  • Farmer and Plow: Represents agriculture and Minnesota’s farming history.
  • Native American on Horseback: Acknowledges the Native American heritage and presence in the state.
  • Tree Stump: Symbolizes the importance of the timber industry.
  • Mississippi River and St. Anthony Falls: Reflect Minnesota’s natural resources and importance of waterways.
  • Stars: The 19 stars surrounding the seal represent Minnesota as the 19th state to join the Union after the original 13 colonies. The star on top, larger than the others, symbolizes the “Star of the North.”
  • Motto “L’Étoile du Nord”: French for “The Star of the North,” emphasizing Minnesota’s northern location and pioneering spirit.
  • Dates:
    • “1819” commemorates the establishment of Fort Snelling.
    • “1858” marks the year Minnesota was admitted to the Union.
    • “1893” signifies the year the first official state flag was adopted.
  • Lady Slipper (State Flower): Surrounding the seal, adding a touch of the state’s natural beauty.

The Minnesota flag, through its colors and symbols, encapsulates the state’s heritage, industries, natural beauty, and cultural diversity.

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