Massachusetts flag Colors Code hex, png svg



RGB: 31, 44, 92

CMYK: 66, 52, 0, 64



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0

Web Orange


RGB: 230, 163, 0

CMYK: 0, 29, 100, 10

The flag of Massachusetts has a rich history and meaningful symbols that reflect the state’s heritage and values. Here’s an overview:


  1. Early Colonial Flags: The earliest flags used in the Massachusetts Bay Colony featured the cross of St. George, representing the colony’s English origins. However, the use of the cross was sometimes controversial due to its association with Catholicism.
  2. 1686-1776: During the colonial period, the Pine Tree flag was also used, particularly by naval forces. This flag featured a green pine tree on a white field, symbolizing New England and its natural resources.
  3. 1776-1908: The state did not have an official flag for many years after the American Revolution. Various versions of flags were used, often incorporating elements like the state seal.
  4. 1908-1971: In 1908, an official state flag was adopted. It featured the state coat of arms on a white field. The reverse side displayed a green pine tree on a blue shield.
  5. 1971-Present: The flag was modified to remove the reverse side, simplifying it to the current design featuring the state coat of arms on a white field.

Design and Symbols

  • White Field: The flag’s background is white, symbolizing peace and purity.
  • State Coat of Arms: The central emblem features the Massachusetts coat of arms, which includes:
  • Blue Shield: The shield is blue, representing the sky and loyalty.
  • Native American: Depicted in gold, holding a bow and arrow. The arrow points downward, symbolizing peace. This represents the Native American heritage and the historical presence of indigenous peoples in Massachusetts.
  • Silver Star: A five-pointed star above the Native American’s right arm signifies Massachusetts as one of the original thirteen colonies.
  • Arm and Sword: Above the shield is an arm wielding a sword. This symbolizes the readiness to defend liberty and justice. It is modeled after the arm of Myles Standish, a military leader of the Plymouth Colony.
  • Latin Motto: The state motto, “Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem,” translates to “By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty.”

The current flag of Massachusetts reflects its historical journey, cultural heritage, and the values of peace, liberty, and readiness to defend those principles.

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