Maryland flag Colors Code hex, png svg

Web Orange


RGB: 234, 170, 0

CMYK: 0, 27, 100, 8



RGB: 0, 0, 0

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 100

Mexican Red


RGB: 157, 34, 53

CMYK: 0, 78, 66, 38



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0

The Maryland flag is one of the most distinctive and historically significant state flags in the United States. Its design and colors are steeped in the history and heritage of the state. Here’s a detailed overview of the flag’s history, colors, and meanings:

History of the Maryland Flag

  1. Colonial Origins:
  • The flag’s design is derived from the heraldic banner of George Calvert, the first Lord Baltimore, who founded the Maryland colony in the early 17th century. The flag combines the arms of two prominent families: the Calverts and the Crosslands.
  1. Civil War Era:
  • During the Civil War, Maryland was a border state with divided loyalties. The black and gold Calvert colors were used by Union supporters, while the red and white Crossland colors were used by Confederate sympathizers.
  1. Adoption of the Modern Flag:
  • The current flag was officially adopted as the state flag on November 25, 1904. The decision to use both the Calvert and Crossland colors was a way to symbolize the reconciliation between the divided factions within the state.

Design and Colors

The Maryland flag is quartered and alternates between the Calvert and Crossland family arms.

  1. Calvert Arms (Black and Gold):
  • Colors: Black and gold (yellow)
  • Design: The black and gold design is a pattern of alternating vertical stripes with counterchanged cross bottony.
  • Meaning: The Calvert family arms represent the founding family of the Maryland colony. Black symbolizes determination, while gold symbolizes generosity and elevation of the mind.
  1. Crossland Arms (Red and White):
  • Colors: Red and white (silver)
  • Design: The red and white design is a pattern of a cross bottony quartered with a counterchanged field.
  • Meaning: The Crossland arms, which belonged to the family of George Calvert’s mother, symbolize loyalty and service. Red signifies valor and bravery, while white represents peace and sincerity.


The Maryland flag’s design is unique because it brings together elements from both sides of a deeply divided state during the Civil War. The use of both the Calvert and Crossland arms symbolizes unity and reconciliation. The black and gold and red and white colors together represent the historical legacy of the state and its colonial roots, as well as the harmony and unity of its citizens despite past divisions.

Overall, the Maryland flag stands as a symbol of the state’s rich history, its commitment to unity, and the blending of different heritages into one cohesive identity.

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