Lesbian flag Colors Code hex, png svg



RGB: 213, 45, 0

CMYK: 0, 79, 100, 16



RGB: 239, 118, 39

CMYK: 0, 51, 84, 6

Atomic Tangerine


RGB: 255, 154, 86

CMYK: 0, 40, 66, 0



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0



RGB: 209, 98, 164

CMYK: 0, 53, 22, 18



RGB: 181, 86, 144

CMYK: 0, 52, 20, 29



RGB: 163, 2, 98

CMYK: 0, 99, 40, 36

The Lesbian flag has gone through several variations over the years, with each design and color scheme carrying different meanings and symbolisms. Here’s an overview of the key versions:

Labrys Lesbian Flag (1999)

  • Design: A purple flag featuring a black labrys (double-edged axe) in the center.
  • Meaning: The labrys has been associated with matriarchal societies and feminist movements. Purple is often linked to lesbianism and feminism.

Lipstick Lesbian Flag (2010)

  • Design: Consists of seven stripes in different shades of pink and red with a white bar in the middle, and often includes a red kiss mark in the top left corner.
  • Meaning:
  • Darkest Red: Gender non-conformity
  • Middle Red: Independence
  • Light Red: Community
  • White: Unique relationships to womanhood
  • Light Pink: Serenity and peace
  • Middle Pink: Love and sex
  • Darkest Pink: Femininity

2018 Lesbian Flag (Orange-Pink Version)

  • Design: This version has seven stripes: three shades of orange, a white stripe in the middle, and three shades of pink.
  • Meaning:
  • Dark Orange: Gender non-conformity
  • Middle Orange: Independence
  • Light Orange: Community
  • White: Unique relationships to womanhood
  • Light Pink: Serenity and peace
  • Middle Pink: Love and sex
  • Dark Pink: Femininity

2019 Simplified Lesbian Flag

  • Design: Simplified from the 2018 version, this flag has five stripes: two shades of orange, a white stripe in the middle, and two shades of pink.
  • Meaning:
  • Dark Orange: Gender non-conformity
  • Light Orange: Independence
  • White: Unique relationships to womanhood
  • Light Pink: Serenity and peace
  • Dark Pink: Femininity

Each of these flags reflects different aspects of the lesbian experience, from gender non-conformity and independence to femininity and unique relationships to womanhood.

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