Korean flag Colors Code hex, png svg

Brick Red


RGB: 205, 46, 58

CMYK: 0, 78, 72, 20



RGB: 15, 100, 205

CMYK: 93, 51, 0, 20



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0



RGB: 0, 0, 0

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 100

The flag of South Korea, known as the Taegukgi (태극기), has a rich history and symbolism associated with its design:

  1. Background: The flag features a white field, symbolizing peace and purity.
  2. Central Symbol: In the center, there’s a red and blue yin-yang symbol, called the Taeguk (태극). This symbol represents the balance of the universe. The red half (positive) and blue half (negative) embody the dual forces of the universe—harmonious balance between opposing forces.
  3. Four Trigrams: At each corner of the flag are four black trigrams from the I Ching (Book of Changes). Each trigram represents one of the four elements and the fundamental principles of the cosmos:
  • Geon (☰): Upper left, representing heaven, light, and virtue.
  • Ri (☲): Upper right, symbolizing fire, clarity, and growth.
  • Gam (☵): Lower left, indicating water, wisdom, and adaptability.
  • Gon (☴): Lower right, representing earth, stability, and nurturing.
  1. Colors:
  • White: Purity and peace.
  • Red: Positive cosmic forces and energy.
  • Blue: Negative cosmic forces and calmness.
  • Black: Symbolizes the balance and harmony of the trigrams and the Taeguk.

The Taegukgi was first adopted as the national flag of Korea in 1883 during the late Joseon Dynasty and has been used since the establishment of the Republic of Korea in 1948.

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