Japan flag Colors Code hex, png svg



RGB: 188, 0, 45

CMYK: 0, 100, 76, 26



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0

History of the Japan Flag

  1. Early Use (7th Century)
  • The earliest record of the flag, known as the “Nisshōki” (日章旗), dates back to the 7th century.
  • The sun symbol is rooted in Japanese mythology and the Shinto religion, which venerates the sun goddess Amaterasu.
  1. Medieval Period
  • Samurai clans used sun symbols on their banners.
  • The rising sun motif became associated with Japanese warriors and military power.
  1. Edo Period (1603-1868)
  • The Tokugawa shogunate began using the sun disk flag on ships as a national symbol during trade.
  1. Meiji Restoration (1868)
  • The modern flag was officially adopted on January 27, 1870, during the Meiji Restoration, as Japan sought to modernize and unify its national identity.
  • The flag design, a red circle symbolizing the sun on a white background, was standardized.
  1. World War II Era
  • The flag was a powerful symbol of nationalism and imperial expansion.
  • The rising sun flag with rays, known as the “Kyokujitsu-ki,” was used by the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy.
  1. Post-World War II
  • Following Japan’s defeat, the use of the rising sun flag was restricted.
  • The simple Hinomaru flag remained as the national flag.
  1. Official Legal Status (1999)
  • The National Flag and Anthem Law was passed on August 13, 1999, making the Hinomaru the official national flag of Japan.

Colors and Their Meanings

  1. Red Circle (Sun Disk)
  • Color: Red
  • Meaning: Represents the sun, which is central to Japanese culture and mythology. It symbolizes brightness, sincerity, and passion. The sun is also a symbol of life and energy.
  1. White Background
  • Color: White
  • Meaning: Symbolizes purity, honesty, and integrity. White is associated with the sacred and the divine in Japanese culture, reflecting the nation’s commitment to peace and harmony.

The flag’s simplicity and deep-rooted cultural significance make it a powerful symbol of Japan’s identity and heritage.

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