Italian flag Colors Code hex, png svg

Fun Green


RGB: 0, 140, 69

CMYK: 100, 0, 51, 45



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0



RGB: 205, 33, 42

CMYK: 0, 84, 80, 20

Italian Flag History and Colors Meaning


The Italian flag, known as “Il Tricolore,” consists of three vertical stripes of equal width. The colors are green, white, and red, and they were first adopted in 1797 by the Cisalpine Republic, a French client republic in Northern Italy. The design was inspired by the French tricolor, reflecting the influence of the French Revolution.

  1. Cisalpine Republic (1797): The tricolor was adopted by the Cisalpine Republic with its vertical stripes and colors: green, white, and red.
  2. Napoleonic Era: Various Italian states under Napoleonic rule used variations of the tricolor.
  3. Unification of Italy (1861): The tricolor became a symbol of the Italian unification movement led by figures such as Giuseppe Garibaldi and Count Camillo di Cavour. In 1861, when the Kingdom of Italy was proclaimed, the tricolor was officially adopted as the national flag.
  4. Republic of Italy (1946): After World War II, Italy became a republic, and the tricolor was confirmed as the national flag by the new Constitution of 1947.

Colors Meaning

The colors of the Italian flag hold significant meanings, though interpretations can vary:

  1. Green: Represents the country’s plains and hills. It is also considered to symbolize hope and the lush landscapes of Italy.
  2. White: Represents the snow-capped Alps, which are a prominent feature in Northern Italy. It can also symbolize peace and faith.
  3. Red: Represents the bloodshed in the Wars of Italian Independence and Unification. It is also seen as a symbol of charity and the warm Mediterranean climate.

These interpretations reflect both the natural beauty of Italy and the historical struggles and aspirations of its people. The flag remains a potent symbol of Italian national identity and pride.

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