Irish flag Colors Code hex, png svg

Green Haze


RGB: 0, 154, 68

CMYK: 100, 0, 56, 40



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0

Flush Orange


RGB: 255, 130, 0

CMYK: 0, 49, 100, 0

The Irish flag, known as the “Tricolour,” is a vertical tricolor of green, white, and orange. Each color holds significant historical and symbolic meaning.


  • Origin: The flag was first introduced by Thomas Francis Meagher in 1848 during the Young Irelander Rebellion. He was inspired by the French Tricolour and aimed to represent peace between the two main religious groups in Ireland.
  • Adoption: It was officially adopted as the national flag of Ireland when the Irish Free State was established in 1922.
  • Easter Rising: The flag gained prominence during the 1916 Easter Rising, a key event in the struggle for Irish independence. It was flown by the rebels as a symbol of their cause.
  • Recognition: The flag was officially recognized in the Constitution of Ireland in 1937.

Colors and Meanings:

  • Green: Represents the Gaelic tradition and the Irish Catholics, who are predominantly associated with the nationalist movement.
  • White: Symbolizes peace and the aspiration for a lasting truce and unity between the different groups in Ireland.
  • Orange: Represents the followers of William of Orange, who are primarily Protestants and are associated with the Unionist or Loyalist tradition.

The flag’s colors thus symbolize the inclusion and hoped-for peace between Catholics and Protestants in Ireland. It serves as a reminder of the country’s complex history and the ongoing efforts toward unity and reconciliation.

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