Iraq flag Colors Code hex, png svg



RGB: 206, 17, 38

CMYK: 0, 92, 82, 19



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0



RGB: 0, 0, 0

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 100

Fun Green


RGB: 0, 122, 61

CMYK: 100, 0, 50, 52

History of the Iraqi Flag

  1. 1921-1959:
  • Flag: Horizontal black, white, and green stripes with a red triangle based at the hoist.
  • Meaning: Part of the Arab Revolt flags, symbolizing Arab unity and independence.
  1. 1959-1963:
  • Flag: Vertical black-white-green tricolor with a red star in the center.
  • Meaning: Representing pan-Arabism and the unity with the United Arab Republic (Egypt and Syria).
  1. 1963-1991:
  • Flag: Horizontal tricolor of red, white, and black with three green stars in the white band.
  • Meaning: Red for courage, white for generosity, black for the battles, and green stars for the proposed unification with Egypt and Syria.
  1. 1991-2004:
  • Flag: Similar to the previous one, but the stars were modified to include the takbir (Allahu Akbar) in Saddam Hussein’s handwriting.
  • Meaning: The takbir reflects the regime’s Islamic stance.
  1. 2004-2008:
  • Flag: Retained the tricolor of red, white, and black, but the takbir was changed to Kufic script.
  • Meaning: The change in script was intended to symbolize a break from the past regime.
  1. 2008-Present:
  • Flag: Retains the horizontal tricolor of red, white, and black with the takbir in green Kufic script.
  • Meaning: Red for the struggle for independence, white for a bright future, black for oppression, and green for Islam.

Color Meanings

  • Red: Symbolizes courage and the struggles for independence.
  • White: Represents peace and a bright future.
  • Black: Reflects the oppression and the dark periods of history.
  • Green: Denotes Islam, which is the predominant religion in Iraq.

The evolution of the Iraqi flag highlights the country’s changing political landscape and its enduring connection to Arab identity and Islamic faith.

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