Iran flag Colors Code hex, png svg

Forest Green


RGB: 35, 159, 64

CMYK: 78, 0, 60, 38



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0

Guardsman Red


RGB: 218, 0, 0

CMYK: 0, 100, 100, 15

The flag of Iran has a rich history and symbolism. Here’s a brief overview of its colors and meanings:

Design and History

  • Current Flag: The modern Iranian flag was officially adopted on July 29, 1980, following the 1979 Iranian Revolution.

Colors and Symbols

  1. Green:
  • Position: Top stripe
  • Meaning: The green stripe represents Islam, which is a central aspect of Iranian identity. It also symbolizes growth, prosperity, and the country’s natural environment.
  1. White:
  • Position: Middle stripe
  • Meaning: The white stripe stands for peace and honesty. It also represents the country’s aspiration for unity and harmony.
  1. Red:
  • Position: Bottom stripe
  • Meaning: The red stripe signifies courage, bravery, and the sacrifices made for the country’s independence and freedom.
  1. Symbol in the Center:
  • Design: A red emblem resembling a stylized tulip, which is also referred to as the “Allah” symbol.
  • Meaning: This emblem combines elements of the Islamic faith with Persian art. The design incorporates elements representing the word “Allah” (God in Arabic), which highlights the Islamic character of the state.
  1. Inscription:
  • Text: There is a repeated inscription of the phrase “Allahu Akbar” (God is Great) written in white Kufic script along the border of the green and red stripes.
  • Meaning: The inscription signifies the divine nature of the country and its devotion to God.

Historical Changes

  • Pre-1979: The flag before the Islamic Revolution had a lion and sun emblem, symbolizing the pre-revolutionary Pahlavi dynasty.
  • Post-Revolution: After the 1979 Revolution, the current design was adopted to reflect the Islamic Republic’s values and principles.

This flag embodies a blend of national pride, religious significance, and historical continuity.

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