India flag Colors Code hex, png svg



RGB: 255, 103, 31

CMYK: 0, 60, 88, 0



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0

Fun Green


RGB: 4, 106, 56

CMYK: 96, 0, 47, 58

Navy Blue


RGB: 6, 3, 141

CMYK: 96, 98, 0, 45

History of the Indian Flag

The history of the Indian flag is a testament to the country’s struggle for independence and its rich cultural heritage. The current flag, adopted on July 22, 1947, has evolved through various stages:

  1. 1906 – Calcutta Flag:
  • The first unofficial flag of India, hoisted by freedom fighters in Calcutta (now Kolkata).
  • It featured three horizontal stripes of green, yellow, and red.
  • The green stripe had eight half-opened lotus flowers, symbolizing the country’s provinces.
  • The yellow stripe bore the words “Vande Mataram” in Devanagari script.
  • The red stripe had a crescent and a star on the left and a sun on the right.
  1. 1917 – Home Rule Movement Flag:
  • Used during the Home Rule Movement led by Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Annie Besant.
  • It had five red and four green horizontal stripes and seven stars in the shape of the constellation Saptarishi.
  • A Union Jack was placed in the top left corner, symbolizing the British rule, and a white crescent and star were on the top right corner.
  1. 1921 – Gandhi’s Flag:
  • Proposed by Mahatma Gandhi and designed by Pingali Venkayya.
  • It had three horizontal stripes of white, green, and red.
  • The white stripe symbolized minority communities, the green represented Muslims, and the red stood for Hindus.
  • A spinning wheel (charkha) was placed at the center, symbolizing self-reliance and the Swadeshi movement.
  1. 1931 – Tricolor Flag:
  • Adopted by the Indian National Congress.
  • It had three horizontal stripes of saffron, white, and green.
  • The charkha remained in the center of the white stripe.
  • This flag was the precursor to the current national flag.
  1. 1947 – Present Flag:
  • Adopted on July 22, 1947, as the official flag of independent India.
  • Designed by Pingali Venkayya with three horizontal stripes of saffron, white, and green.
  • The charkha was replaced by the Ashoka Chakra, a 24-spoke wheel in navy blue, at the center of the white stripe.

Colors and Their Meanings

  1. Saffron (Top Stripe):
  • Symbolizes courage and sacrifice.
  • Represents the strength and bravery of the country.
  1. White (Middle Stripe):
  • Denotes peace and truth.
  • Reflects the country’s commitment to truth and honesty.
  1. Green (Bottom Stripe):
  • Stands for faith and chivalry.
  • Represents fertility, growth, and auspiciousness of the land.
  1. Ashoka Chakra (24-Spoke Wheel):
  • Located at the center of the white stripe.
  • Represents the eternal wheel of law (Dharma Chakra).
  • Symbolizes motion and progress, reminding citizens of the dynamism of a peaceful change.

The Indian flag, with its rich history and profound symbolism, continues to inspire and unite the nation.

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