Guatemala flag Colors Code hex, png svg



RGB: 73, 151, 208

CMYK: 65, 27, 0, 18



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0

The flag of Guatemala consists of three vertical stripes: light blue on the left and right and white in the center. Here is a brief history and the meaning of its colors and symbols:


  1. 1825-1851: The first flag of Guatemala, used when the country was part of the Federal Republic of Central America, featured blue and white horizontal stripes with a coat of arms in the center.
  2. 1851-1858: Guatemala adopted a flag with a blue field and a red stripe on the left, incorporating elements of the Spanish flag.
  3. 1858-1871: The flag was changed again to a design with blue and white vertical stripes, with the coat of arms in the center.
  4. 1871-Present: The current flag was adopted on August 17, 1871, returning to the blue and white color scheme but with vertical stripes.

Meaning of Colors

  1. Blue Stripes: Represent the fact that Guatemala is located between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, symbolizing the sky above and the land between the oceans.
  2. White Stripe: Signifies peace and purity.

Coat of Arms

The coat of arms, placed in the center of the white stripe, includes several elements with specific meanings:

  1. Quetzal: The national bird of Guatemala, symbolizing liberty.
  2. Scroll: Contains the date of Central America’s independence from Spain, September 15, 1821.
  3. Crossed Rifles: Represent the willingness to defend the country’s freedom.
  4. Bay Laurel Crown: Symbolizes victory.
  5. Swords: Stand for honor.


The overall design and elements of the flag emphasize Guatemala’s natural beauty, commitment to peace, independence, and readiness to defend its sovereignty.

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