Greece flag Colors Code hex, png svg

Resolution Blue


RGB: 0, 20, 137

CMYK: 100, 85, 0, 46



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0

Greece Flag: History, Colors, and Meaning


The national flag of Greece has a long and storied history that reflects the country’s struggle for independence and national identity. The current design was officially adopted on December 22, 1978, though its origins trace back to the early 19th century during the Greek War of Independence against Ottoman rule.

The flag’s design was first established by the First National Assembly at Epidaurus in 1822, during the early stages of the revolution. The blue and white colors, as well as the cross, were chosen to symbolize the Greek Orthodox faith and the sea that surrounds Greece.

Design and Colors

The Greek flag consists of nine horizontal stripes of blue and white, alternating, with a blue canton bearing a white cross.

  • Blue and White Stripes: The flag has five blue stripes and four white stripes, totaling nine stripes. These stripes are said to represent the nine syllables of the phrase “Ελευθερία ή Θάνατος” (“Freedom or Death”), a motto of the Greek War of Independence. Alternatively, they may symbolize the nine letters of the word “Ελευθερία” (freedom).
  • The Cross: The white cross on the blue canton in the upper hoist-side corner represents the Greek Orthodox Church, which played a crucial role in maintaining Greek culture and identity during Ottoman rule and in the fight for independence.

Meaning of the Colors

  • Blue: The blue color symbolizes the sky and the sea, both of which are integral to Greece’s geography and culture. The blue also represents vigilance, truth, and loyalty.
  • White: The white color stands for purity, peace, and the struggle for freedom.


The flag of Greece is a powerful symbol of the nation’s history, culture, and religious heritage. The colors and design reflect the natural beauty of the country and the enduring spirit of the Greek people in their pursuit of freedom and independence.

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