Georgia flag Colors Code hex, png svg

Alizarin Crimson


RGB: 218, 41, 28

CMYK: 0, 81, 87, 15



RGB: 0, 0, 0

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 100

History of the Georgia Flag

Early Flags

  • Colonial Era: Georgia’s early flags featured various designs based on British flags.
  • 1861-1865: During the Civil War, Georgia used different flags as part of the Confederacy.

Post-Civil War Flags

  • 1879 Flag: The first official state flag, introduced in 1879, featured three horizontal stripes (red, white, red) and a blue vertical band with the state seal.

Mid-20th Century Changes

  • 1956 Flag: In response to desegregation, Georgia adopted a flag incorporating the Confederate battle flag, which was controversial due to its association with racism.

Modern Flags

  • 2001 Flag: A new design was adopted, which replaced the Confederate emblem with a less controversial design featuring the state seal and a blue field with gold stars forming an arch above the seal.
  • 2003 Flag: The current flag was adopted, resembling the first national flag of the Confederacy (“Stars and Bars”), with three horizontal stripes (red, white, red) and a blue canton containing a ring of 13 white stars encompassing the state seal.

Colors and Their Meanings

  • Red, White, and Blue: These colors are traditionally associated with valor, purity, and justice, respectively.
  • 13 Stars: Represent Georgia’s status as one of the original 13 colonies.
  • State Seal: The seal includes the arch (symbolizing the state’s constitution), the pillars (representing the three branches of government), and the words “Wisdom, Justice, and Moderation” (Georgia’s motto).

Visual Representation

  • Three Horizontal Stripes: Red on top and bottom with a white stripe in the middle.
  • Blue Canton: Upper left corner with the state seal and a circle of 13 white stars.

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