French flag Colors Code hex, png svg

Prussian Blue


RGB: 0, 38, 84

CMYK: 100, 55, 0, 67



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0

Alizarin Crimson


RGB: 237, 41, 57

CMYK: 0, 83, 76, 7

The French flag, known as the “Tricolore,” consists of three vertical bands of blue, white, and red. Here is a brief history and the meaning of its colors:


  • Ancien Régime: Before the French Revolution, France’s flags were diverse and often featured various royal emblems and symbols.
  • French Revolution: The current tricolor design was adopted during the French Revolution, symbolizing the revolutionary values.
  • 1790: The first version of the tricolor flag was introduced in 1790, featuring blue and red (the colors of Paris) combined with white (the color of the monarchy).
  • 1794: The modern version, with vertical stripes, was officially adopted.

Colors Meaning

  • Blue: Historically associated with Saint Martin, the patron saint of France, and representing the city of Paris.
  • White: The color of the Bourbon monarchy, symbolizing purity and peace.
  • Red: Also a color of Paris, representing the blood of those who died during the French Revolution and symbolizing courage and strength.

The combination of these colors reflects the unity of the nation and its revolutionary ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity.

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