Egypt flag Colors Code hex, png svg



RGB: 200, 16, 46

CMYK: 0, 92, 77, 22



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0

Buddha Gold


RGB: 192, 147, 0

CMYK: 0, 23, 100, 25



RGB: 0, 0, 0

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 100

The flag of Egypt has a rich history and significant symbolism behind its colors and design. Here’s an overview:

Historical Background

  1. Ottoman Period (1517-1914)
  • The Ottoman Empire ruled Egypt, and the flag during this period was similar to the Ottoman flag, featuring a red field with a white crescent and a star.
  1. British Protectorate (1914-1922)
  • Egypt was under British control and did not have a distinct national flag. British and Egyptian flags were often used together.
  1. Kingdom of Egypt (1922-1953)
  • Upon gaining independence from Britain, the Kingdom of Egypt adopted a green flag with a white crescent and three stars, representing Egypt’s sovereignty, the three components of the country (Egypt, Nubia, and Sudan), and the Islamic faith.
  1. Revolution and Republic (1952-1958)
  • After the Egyptian Revolution of 1952, the flag was changed to a horizontal tricolor of red, white, and black with the Eagle of Saladin in the center. This symbolized the end of the monarchy and the beginning of the republic.
  1. United Arab Republic (1958-1971)
  • Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic (UAR) in 1958, and the flag during this period had horizontal stripes of red, white, and black with two green stars in the white stripe representing the union between the two countries.
  1. Modern Era (1972-Present)
  • After the dissolution of the UAR, Egypt retained the tricolor design but replaced the two stars with the golden Eagle of Saladin in the center of the white stripe.

Colors and Their Meanings

  1. Red
  • Symbolizes the struggle against British colonization and the bloodshed during Egypt’s fight for independence.
  1. White
  • Represents the 1952 Revolution that ended the monarchy without bloodshed.
  1. Black
  • Reflects the end of the oppression of the Egyptian people at the hands of the monarchy and colonialism.
  1. Eagle of Saladin
  • The golden eagle in the center of the white stripe is a symbol of power, strength, and sovereignty. It is named after the famous Muslim leader Saladin (Salah ad-Din).

Current Flag Description

  • The current flag of Egypt is a horizontal tricolor of red, white, and black bands of equal width. In the center of the white band, there is the golden Eagle of Saladin facing the hoist side, with a shield in front of its chest and a scroll bearing the name of the country in Arabic below it.

This flag has been in use since October 4, 1984, and continues to symbolize Egypt’s rich history, struggle for independence, and national pride.

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