Ecuador flag Colors Code hex, png svg



RGB: 255, 209, 0

CMYK: 0, 18, 100, 0

Science Blue


RGB: 0, 114, 206

CMYK: 100, 45, 0, 19



RGB: 239, 51, 64

CMYK: 0, 79, 73, 6

History of the Ecuadorian Flag

The flag of Ecuador has evolved over time, reflecting the country’s history and its journey towards independence and nationhood.

  1. Gran Colombia Era (1822-1830):
  • First Flag (1822): When Ecuador joined the Gran Colombia federation, it adopted the flag of Gran Colombia, which had three horizontal stripes (yellow, blue, and red).
  1. Post-Gran Colombia (1830-1860):
  • Separate Identity: After the dissolution of Gran Colombia in 1830, Ecuador briefly used a flag with different designs. However, the most notable flag during this period was similar to the current one but without the coat of arms.
  1. Current Design (1860-Present):
  • Adopted in 1860: The current flag design was adopted officially on September 26, 1860. The flag features three horizontal bands of yellow (top, double-width), blue, and red with the coat of arms in the center.

Colors and Their Meanings

The colors of the Ecuadorian flag each hold significant symbolism:

  1. Yellow:
  • Symbolism: The yellow stripe represents the abundance and fertility of the crops and land of Ecuador. It symbolizes the country’s wealth and resources.
  1. Blue:
  • Symbolism: The blue stripe signifies the sky and the ocean, reflecting Ecuador’s maritime and coastal heritage. It also represents the country’s independence from Spanish rule, with the blue sky symbolizing freedom.
  1. Red:
  • Symbolism: The red stripe stands for the blood shed by those who fought for Ecuador’s independence. It represents the bravery and sacrifice of the national heroes who struggled to secure the country’s freedom.

Coat of Arms

The coat of arms in the center of the flag adds further meaning:

  • Andean Condor: Representing power, greatness, and strength.
  • Shield: Depicts Mount Chimborazo, the highest mountain in Ecuador, and the Guayas River, symbolizing the natural beauty and geographical diversity of the country.
  • Ship: Represents commerce and economic activity.
  • Sun and Zodiac Signs: Illustrate the months of March, April, May, and June, highlighting the Equinox, a significant astronomical event for Ecuador.

The combination of these elements reflects Ecuador’s rich history, diverse geography, and the values of its people.

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