Cuba flag Colors Code hex, png svg

Alizarin Crimson


RGB: 218, 41, 28

CMYK: 0, 81, 87, 15

Congress Blue


RGB: 0, 75, 135

CMYK: 100, 44, 0, 47



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0

The flag of Cuba, known as the “Estrella Solitaria” or “Lone Star,” has a rich history and deep symbolism. It consists of five horizontal stripes of blue and white, a red equilateral triangle on the hoist side, and a white star within the triangle. Here’s a breakdown of its history and the meanings behind its colors and elements:


  1. Creation: The Cuban flag was designed in 1849 by the Cuban poet and freedom fighter, Narciso López, with the help of the writer Miguel Teurbe Tolón. It was first raised in Cárdenas in 1850 during a failed uprising against Spanish rule.
  2. Adoption: After various attempts to gain independence, Cuba finally succeeded in 1898 with the help of the United States, and the flag was officially adopted in 1902 when Cuba became a republic.

Symbolism of Colors and Elements

  1. Blue Stripes: The three blue stripes represent the three original provinces of Cuba at the time: Occidental, Central, and Oriental. They also symbolize the clear skies and the sea surrounding the island.
  2. White Stripes: The two white stripes signify the purity and justice of the Cuban people’s patriotic cause.
  3. Red Triangle: The red triangle stands for the bloodshed in the struggle for independence and the courage and sacrifice of the people. The triangle itself represents the ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity.
  4. White Star: The single white star within the red triangle is called La Estrella Solitaria (The Lone Star). It symbolizes the independence and freedom of the Cuban nation.

Additional Context

  • Influences: The design of the Cuban flag was influenced by the flags of the United States and Puerto Rico. López was inspired by the American flag’s stripes and the Puerto Rican flag’s star and triangle layout.
  • National Identity: The flag is a powerful symbol of Cuban national identity and pride. It is prominently displayed during national holidays and political events, reflecting the country’s history and aspirations.

The Cuban flag encapsulates the nation’s struggle for independence, its values, and the hope for a prosperous future.

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