Croatie flag Colors Code hex, png svg



RGB: 255, 0, 0

CMYK: 0, 100, 100, 0



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0

Midnight Blue


RGB: 1, 33, 105

CMYK: 99, 69, 0, 59



RGB: 113, 197, 232

CMYK: 51, 15, 0, 9



RGB: 255, 205, 0

CMYK: 0, 20, 100, 0



RGB: 0, 0, 0

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 100

History of the Croatian Flag

The flag of Croatia has undergone several changes throughout history, reflecting the country’s complex past and changing political landscapes.

  1. Medieval Period: The oldest known flags of Croatia date back to the medieval period. These early flags often featured a red and white checkered pattern, known as the “šahovnica” (chessboard), which is still a key element of the modern flag.
  2. 19th Century: During the 19th century, Croatia was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The flag used at this time featured the Croatian tricolor of red, white, and blue stripes, influenced by the Pan-Slavic movement.
  3. World War II: During World War II, the flag was modified to include the Ustaše symbol when Croatia became a puppet state of Nazi Germany.
  4. Socialist Yugoslavia: After World War II, Croatia became one of the republics within socialist Yugoslavia. The flag of the Socialist Republic of Croatia featured a red star in the center of the tricolor.
  5. Modern Flag: The modern flag was adopted on December 21, 1990, shortly before Croatia declared its independence from Yugoslavia. It retained the traditional red, white, and blue stripes with the addition of the Croatian coat of arms in the center.

Colors and Their Meanings

  1. Red, White, and Blue: These colors are Pan-Slavic colors, which are common among Slavic nations and represent Slavic unity and independence. Specifically for Croatia:
  • Red: Represents the sacrifices and struggles for independence.
  • White: Symbolizes peace and unity.
  • Blue: Stands for freedom and the hope for a bright future.
  1. Coat of Arms: The coat of arms in the center of the flag is a key element, consisting of:
  • Šahovnica (Checkerboard): The main part of the coat of arms is the red and white checkerboard, which is a historic symbol of Croatia.
  • Crown: Above the checkerboard is a crown made up of five smaller shields, representing five historical regions of Croatia: Croatia proper, Dubrovnik, Dalmatia, Istria, and Slavonia.

The modern Croatian flag is a blend of historical elements and symbols representing national unity, identity, and the country’s journey towards independence.

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