Colombia flag Colors Code hex, png svg



RGB: 255, 205, 0

CMYK: 0, 20, 100, 0

Resolution Blue


RGB: 0, 48, 135

CMYK: 100, 64, 0, 47



RGB: 200, 16, 46

CMYK: 0, 92, 77, 22

The flag of Colombia consists of three horizontal stripes of yellow, blue, and red, from top to bottom. Each color has its own significance and historical background. Here’s a detailed look at the history and meaning of the colors of the Colombian flag:


  1. Spanish Colonial Period (until 1810):
  • During this period, the territory that is now Colombia was part of the Viceroyalty of New Granada under Spanish rule. The flags used were those of the Spanish Empire.
  1. First Republic of Colombia (1810-1816):
  • The movement for independence from Spain began in 1810. Initially, different regions had their own flags, but one of the prominent early flags was the “flag of the United Provinces of New Granada,” which had blue and white stripes.
  1. Gran Colombia (1819-1831):
  • After independence, the territories of present-day Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Panama formed Gran Colombia. The flag of Gran Colombia, designed by Francisco de Miranda, had three horizontal stripes of yellow, blue, and red. This flag is the direct predecessor of the modern Colombian flag.
  1. Republic of New Granada (1831-1858):
  • Following the dissolution of Gran Colombia, the Republic of New Granada retained the tricolor flag but with slight variations in design.
  1. Granadine Confederation and United States of Colombia (1858-1886):
  • During this period, the flag underwent some modifications, including changes in the coat of arms and proportions of the stripes.
  1. Republic of Colombia (1886-present):
  • The current flag, adopted in 1861 and reaffirmed in 1886, consists of the yellow, blue, and red horizontal stripes without any additional symbols.

Colors Meaning

  1. Yellow:
  • Symbolism of Wealth and Resources: The yellow stripe represents the wealth of Colombia, particularly its rich natural resources such as gold, which was highly valued during the colonial period.
  • Sunshine and Prosperity: It also symbolizes the abundant sunlight and the prosperity of the nation.
  1. Blue:
  • Symbolism of Water Bodies: The blue stripe represents the vast water bodies that surround and run through Colombia, including the Pacific Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, and the major rivers.
  • Sky: It also symbolizes the sky, which is a significant part of the country’s landscape.
  1. Red:
  • Symbolism of Blood: The red stripe represents the blood shed by those who fought for Colombia’s independence from Spanish rule.
  • Struggle and Determination: It also signifies the ongoing struggle and the resilience of the Colombian people.

The flag of Colombia, with its vibrant colors and rich historical significance, is a symbol of national pride and unity, reflecting the country’s diverse heritage and its journey towards independence and prosperity.

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