California flag Colors Code hex, png svg



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0



RGB: 186, 12, 47

CMYK: 0, 94, 75, 27



RGB: 181, 129, 80

CMYK: 0, 29, 56, 29



RGB: 92, 70, 43

CMYK: 0, 24, 53, 64

Fun Green


RGB: 0, 132, 61

CMYK: 100, 0, 54, 48

History of the California Flag

  1. Bear Flag Revolt (1846):
  • The California flag traces its origins to the Bear Flag Revolt, a short-lived independence rebellion in 1846 by American settlers in California against Mexican authorities.
  • The original flag was created by William L. Todd, a nephew of Mary Todd Lincoln, the wife of Abraham Lincoln.
  • It featured a star, a bear, and the words “California Republic.”
  1. Statehood and Official Adoption:
  • When California was admitted to the Union in 1850, the Bear Flag design was largely forgotten.
  • In 1911, the California State Legislature adopted a modified version of the Bear Flag as the official state flag.
  1. Modern Design:
  • The modern design was standardized in 1953.

Elements and Colors of the California Flag

  1. Red Star:
  • Meaning: The red star is a nod to the California Lone Star Flag, which was influenced by the Texas flag.
  • Color: Red represents courage and bravery.
  1. Grizzly Bear:
  • Meaning: The bear symbolizes strength, courage, and the spirit of the bear flaggers of the 1846 revolt. It specifically represents the now-extinct California grizzly bear.
  • Color: Brown represents strength and resilience.
  1. White Background:
  • Meaning: White stands for purity and peace.
  • Color: Pure white background, symbolizing purity.
  1. Red Stripe:
  • Meaning: The red stripe at the bottom of the flag represents courage and is inspired by the original design of the Bear Flag.
  • Color: Red, matching the color of the star, represents bravery and valor.
  1. Text “California Republic”:
  • Meaning: This is a historical reference to the Bear Flag Revolt and the short-lived California Republic.
  • Color: Black text, providing contrast and readability.

The California state flag is a symbol of the state’s history, independence, and the strength of its people. The elements and colors reflect the ideals and struggles of the early settlers and the legacy of the Bear Flag Revolt.

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