Brazil flag Colors Code hex, png svg

Green Haze


RGB: 0, 151, 57

CMYK: 100, 0, 62, 41

School bus Yellow


RGB: 254, 221, 0

CMYK: 0, 13, 100, 0



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0

Midnight Blue


RGB: 1, 33, 105

CMYK: 99, 69, 0, 59

The Brazilian flag has a rich history and its colors carry significant meaning. Here is an overview of the history and symbolism of the flag’s colors:

History of the Brazilian Flag

  1. Colonial Period (1500-1822):
  • During this period, Brazil was under Portuguese rule and used the flag of Portugal.
  1. Empire of Brazil (1822-1889):
  • Following independence from Portugal in 1822, Brazil adopted a flag featuring a green field with a yellow diamond and the imperial coat of arms in the center. This flag represented the Brazilian Empire.
  1. Proclamation of the Republic (1889):
  • When Brazil became a republic on November 15, 1889, the flag was redesigned. The current design was adopted on November 19, 1889, with some modifications over the years.

Colors and Their Meanings

  1. Green Field:
  • The green color represents the lush forests of Brazil, highlighting the country’s natural wealth and its vast and diverse flora. It also signifies the House of Braganza, the family of the first emperor of Brazil, Dom Pedro I.
  1. Yellow Diamond:
  • The yellow diamond symbolizes the country’s abundant mineral resources, particularly gold. It also represents the Habsburg family, to which Dom Pedro I’s wife, Empress Maria Leopoldina, belonged.
  1. Blue Globe:
  • The blue globe with a white band across it features 27 white stars arranged to represent the night sky over Rio de Janeiro as it appeared on November 15, 1889. Each star represents a Brazilian state and the Federal District. The stars are arranged in the pattern of the constellations in the Southern Hemisphere.
  1. White Band and Motto:
  • The white band across the globe contains the national motto, “Ordem e Progresso,” which means “Order and Progress.” This phrase was inspired by the positivist philosophy of Auguste Comte, which greatly influenced the early leaders of the Brazilian Republic. White symbolizes peace and unity.

Symbolism Summary

  • Green: Forests and House of Braganza
  • Yellow: Mineral wealth and Habsburg family
  • Blue Globe: Night sky and Brazilian states
  • White Band: Peace and national motto “Ordem e Progresso”

The Brazilian flag is a powerful symbol of the country’s natural beauty, rich resources, and aspirations for unity and progress.

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