Bi flag Colors Code hex, png svg



RGB: 214, 2, 112

CMYK: 0, 99, 48, 16



RGB: 155, 79, 150

CMYK: 0, 49, 3, 39

International Klein Blue


RGB: 0, 56, 168

CMYK: 100, 67, 0, 34

The bisexual pride flag, created by Michael Page in 1998, features three colors: magenta (pink), lavender (purple), and royal blue. Each color represents different aspects of bisexuality and the broader LGBTQ+ community.

  • Magenta (pink): This color represents same-sex attraction, signifying attraction to the same gender.
  • Lavender (purple): Lavender, a blend of pink and blue, symbolizes attraction to both the same and different genders. It represents the intersection and unity of the gay and straight communities within bisexuality.
  • Royal Blue: This color stands for opposite-sex attraction, representing attraction to a different gender.

The flag was designed to give the bisexual community a specific symbol of their own, distinct from the rainbow flag that represents the entire LGBTQ+ community.

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