Australia flag Colors Code hex, png svg

Midnight Blue


RGB: 1, 33, 105

CMYK: 99, 69, 0, 59



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0



RGB: 228, 0, 43

CMYK: 0, 100, 81, 11

History of the Australian Flag

The current Australian flag was first flown on September 3, 1901, following a design competition that attracted entries from across the country. The design incorporated elements reflecting Australia’s British heritage and its geographical identity.

  1. 1901-1954: Initial Design
  • The original design included a blue field with the Union Jack in the upper left corner (canton), a large white seven-pointed star (Commonwealth Star) directly below the Union Jack, and the Southern Cross constellation on the right side of the flag.
  • Initially, the Commonwealth Star had six points representing the six federating colonies. In 1908, a seventh point was added to represent the territories of Australia.
  1. 1954-Present: Official Adoption
  • The design became official with the passage of the Flags Act 1953, which came into effect on April 14, 1954. This act legally established the flag’s design and status.

Colors and Their Meaning

  1. Blue Field
  • The blue field represents the Australian sky and the ocean surrounding the continent.
  1. Union Jack
  • The Union Jack in the canton acknowledges the history of British settlement and Australia’s links to the United Kingdom, reflecting Australia’s historical ties as a former British colony.
  1. Commonwealth Star
  • The large white seven-pointed star below the Union Jack is known as the Commonwealth Star or Federation Star.
  • The six points originally represented the six federating colonies of Australia (New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, and Tasmania).
  • The seventh point, added in 1908, symbolizes the territories and the unity of Australia as a federation.
  1. Southern Cross
  • The constellation of the Southern Cross on the right side of the flag consists of five white stars of varying sizes.
  • This constellation is a prominent feature of the southern hemisphere night sky and is a symbolic representation of Australia’s geographical location.


  • Union Jack: Reflects Australia’s historical links to Great Britain.
  • Commonwealth Star: Represents the unity of the states and territories.
  • Southern Cross: Symbolizes Australia’s geographical position and its place in the southern hemisphere.

Evolution of the Flag

  • The flag’s design has remained largely unchanged since its inception in 1901, with the major alteration being the addition of the seventh point on the Commonwealth Star in 1908.
  • The flag’s status and design were formally established and protected by the Flags Act of 1953, ensuring its continued use and recognition as the national flag of Australia.

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