Argentina flag Colors Code hex, png svg



RGB: 108, 172, 228

CMYK: 53, 25, 0, 11

My Sin


RGB: 255, 184, 28

CMYK: 0, 28, 89, 0



RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0

Copper Canyon


RGB: 125, 64, 22

CMYK: 0, 49, 82, 51

History of the Argentine Flag

Design and Creation:

  • The Argentine flag was designed by General Manuel Belgrano during the Argentine War of Independence.
  • It was first raised on February 27, 1812, in the city of Rosario.


  • The flag was officially adopted as the national flag on July 20, 1816, shortly after Argentina declared independence from Spain.

Colors and Their Meanings

Light Blue and White:

  • The flag consists of three horizontal bands of light blue, white, and light blue.
  • Light Blue (Celeste): This color is said to represent the clear skies of Argentina. Another interpretation links the blue to the Virgin Mary, a highly revered figure in Argentine culture.
  • White: The white band represents peace and honesty.

Sun of May:

  • In 1818, the “Sun of May” (Sol de Mayo) was added to the center of the white band.
  • Sun of May: This sun symbolizes the Inca sun god Inti and is a national emblem of Argentina, representing the May Revolution of 1810, which marked the beginning of the process toward independence.


  • Sky and Clouds: A popular interpretation is that the blue and white colors represent the sky and clouds, respectively.
  • Freedom and Independence: The colors are also seen as a symbol of Argentina’s struggle for independence and freedom from Spanish rule.


  • Civil Flag: The civil flag consists only of the blue and white bands without the Sun of May.
  • War Flag: The war flag, used by the armed forces, includes the Sun of May in the center.

The Argentine flag is a significant symbol of national pride and reflects the country’s history, culture, and values.

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