National anthem of East Timor (Timor-Leste): Pátria

The Timorese national anthem was written by Francisco Borja da Costa and composed by Afonso de Araujo.

Pátria, Pátria, Timór-Leste, ita-nia Nasaun. Glória ba Povu no ba ita-nia eróis libertasaun nasionál. Pátria, Pátria, Timór-Leste, ita-nia Nasaun. Glória ba Povu no ba ita-nia eróis libertasaun nasionál. Ita manán hasoru kolonializmu, ita hakilar: Hatuun imperializmu. Rai livre, Povu livre, Lae, lae, lae ba esplorasaun. Bá oin hamutuk, laran-metin no barani. Halo funu hasoru imperializmu Inimigu Povu hotu-hotu nian, to’o vitória finál Liu dalan revolusaun.

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