National Symbols of Algeria

Last updated on April 14th, 2024 by Editorial Staff

Table Of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Country Information
  3. Coat of arms
  4. Flag map
  5. Country motto
  6. National animal
  7. National flower
  8. National bird
  9. Rest of national symbols
  10. State symbols
  11. Neighbouring countries
  12. Proverbs & sayings
  13. Compare with other countries
  14. Location

By Naeem Noor | Updated on April 14, 2024

Reviewed by Rittika

Algeria is a country in Africa. The official name of Algeria is the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria. It shares borders with 6 countries: MoroccoMauritaniaMaliNigerLibya, and  Tunisia. The people of Algeria are called Algerians. The country is situated in Northern Africa, bordering the Mediterranean Sea, between Morocco and Tunisia.

Etymology discusses where a term is considered to have originated from and how its meaning has changed over time. Etymology has been a factor in the naming of countries all across the world, and Algeria has also been influenced. The etymology of Algeria can be defined as; “Land of Algiers” a Latinization of the French colonial name l’Algérie adopted in 1839.

An ethnicity is a group or sub-group of people who are connected based on common characteristics which may include religion, origin, language, traditions, or culture. Algeria’s ethnic groups are Arab-Berber.

Air Algérie is the national airline of Algeria. The national colors of the country are green and white. The emoji flag of the country is ????????, and the ISO code is DZ.

Algeria is known for its rock art and rock carvings at Wadi Djerat. It is also known for its traditional hospitality, the famous Sahara desert, and the Mediterranean climate. The national dish of Algeria is Couscous. Tea, in addition to being a traditional beverage, is one of the country’s national drinks. The national instrument of Algeria is Algerian mandole.

The country has the time zone UTC+1 (CET) followed by dd/mm/yyyy as the standard date format.

Algeria is divided into 58 provinces and 553 districts. The capital of the country is Algiers, which is also the largest city in Algeria.

The literacy rate in Algeria is 75.1%.

The country’s total area is 2,381,741 km² (919,595 sq mi), and the total population is 43,851,044. The country’s average elevation is 800 m (2,625 ft), whereas the country’s terrain can be defined as; Mostly high plateau and desert; some mountains; narrow, discontinuous coastal plain. The country’s usual climate is arid to semiarid; mild, wet winters with hot, dry summers along the coast; drier with cold winters and hot summers on high plateau; sirocco is a hot, dust/sand-laden wind especially common in summer.

The area of land next to a sea is called the coast, and a coastline is defined as the line where land and sea meet. Algeria has 1,622 km of coastline.

The Algerian Dinar serves as the national unit of currency, and the Bank of Algeria is recognized as the country’s central bank. The domain for Algeria is .dz and the country code is +213. Star and crescent are the country’s coat of arms.

Museums are known to educate and connect visitors with the nation’s history, culture, civilization, art, and architecture. The National Museum of Antiquities and Islamic Art serves the same purpose and is considered one of the most significant tourist attractions. The National Museum of Antiquities and Islamic Art is home to a large collection of artifacts. It has been designated as the national museum of the country.

The national dress of Algeria is the Karakou, and 5 July is designated as National Day. In Algeria, the majority of the population practices Islam (official), Christians, and Jews) as their religion.

Nature is a blessing from God and we must protect it because it provides us with the oxygen and food to survive. It also helps to keep our environment beautiful and clean. To emphasize the significance of nature, Algeria has selected a few forces of nature as national symbols. Algeria’s national bird is the Barbary Partridge, while its national animal is the Fennec fox. The national flower is Wall iris, whereas Cherries is the country’s national fruit. The national tree of Algeria is the Oak, and the highest peak is Tahat.

Mythical creatures can be found in the literature and mythologies of many different nations. They represent imaginative representations of various creatures, humans, or hybrids. They are known for their specific features, supernatural abilities, and distinctive appearance. The mythical creature of Algeria is Al Ruhban.

Sports have always played an important role in developing the social and cultural structure of Algeria and other countries. When it comes to designating a sport as the official symbol, Football is considered the country’s national sport.

Poetry is a highly valued form of art, and many poets are considered significant national symbols of the country. The national poet of Algeria is Moufdi Zakaria.

Barbarossa Hayreddin Pasha is the founder of Algeria. The country’s national anthem was written by Moufdi Zakaria, and composed by Mohamed Fawzi.

Mausoleums are buildings dedicated to holding someone’s remains. It serves as a reminder of the nation’s revolutionary fighters who sacrificed their lives for the country. Mausoleums are one of the most significant historical landmarks. The national mausoleum of Algeria is the Royal Mausoleum of Mauretania. The country’s national hero is Larbi Ben M’hidi.

Due to their unique qualities and rich cultural or historical backgrounds, national monuments around the world are of great importance. The Maqam Echahid is recognized as the national monument of the country. It attracts visitors from all around the world.

Numerous organizations are working on a global level to improve the current state of affairs and to collaborate in order to establish and maintain constructive partnerships. Algeria is a member of the African Union (AU)Arab LeagueOrganisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), and United Nations (UN). Algeria collaborates with them to organize, analyze, and address various events and situations.

The tourism slogan of the country is “Tourism for Everybody” whereas, “بالشعب و للشعب – “Bil-shaʿb wa lil-shaʿb – “By the people and for the people” is the official motto of the country.

Aymen Benabderrahmane is the current Prime minister of Algeria, and Abdelmadjid Tebboune is the President.

Algeria has declared Arabic as the country’s official language.

– Learn about Algeria flag color codes and their meanings –

– Further information regarding the symbols and knowledge of Algeria can be found in the table of contents –

Country information

Former name(s) Numidia Kingdom
Official name(s) People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Alternative name(s) Al-Jazā’ir (common, Arabic)
Regional location Northern Africa, bordering the Mediterranean Sea, between Morocco and Tunisia
Country name etymology "Land of Algiers" a Latinization of the French colonial name l'Algérie adopted in 1839
Climate Arid to semiarid; mild, wet winters with hot, dry summers along the coast; drier with cold winters and hot summers on high plateau; sirocco is a hot, dust/sand-laden wind especially common in summer
Terrain Mostly high plateau and desert; some mountains; narrow, discontinuous coastal plain
Population 43,851,044
National Day 5 Jul 1962
Language(s) Arabic
Religion Islam (official), Christians and Jews)
Country code +213
Literacy rate 75.1%
Currency Algerian Dinar
Capital city Algiers
Domain(TLD) .dz
Ethnicity Arab-Berber
Head of government Prime Minister
Nationality Algerian
Driving side Drive on the Right-hand side
Date format dd/mm/yyyy
Total area 2,381,741 km² (919,595 sq mi)
Timezone UTC+1 (CET)
Average elevation 800 m (2,625 ft)
Coastline 1,622 km
Mains electricity 230 V
Emergency telephone numbers Emergency Telephone Numbers

Coat of arms

Flag map of Algeria

Flag map of Algeria

Motto of Algeria

بالشعب و للشعب - "Bil-shaʿb wa lil-shaʿb - "By the people and for the people"

National animal of Algeria

The National animal of Algeria is Fennec fox

National Animal of Algeria - Fennec fox

National flower of Algeria

The National flower of Algeria is Wall iris. Botanical name is Iris Tectorum.

National flower of Algeria - Wall iris

National bird of Algeria

The National bird of Algeria is Barbary Partridge

National bird of Algeria - Barbary Partridge

Rest of the National symbols of Algeria 👇

Neighbouring countries of Algeria

Algerian Proverbs - Popular quotes, proverbs and sayings.

A secret for two, soon a secret for nobody
Cross the loud river but don’t cross the silent one
 Patience is the key to paradise
The one whose belly isn’t full of straw isn’t afraid of fire
Speak kindly or refrain from talking
 Peace wins over wealth
Friendship, we call it friendship, but without sincerity
The hand which gives is better than the one which receives
There is an excess of familiarity at the root of all hostility
A friend is someone who shares your happiness and your pains

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