National Symbols of Tunisia

Last updated on April 18th, 2024 by Editorial Staff

Table Of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Country Information
  3. Coat of arms
  4. Flag map
  5. Country motto
  6. National animal
  7. National flower
  8. National bird
  9. Rest of national symbols
  10. State symbols
  11. Neighbouring countries
  12. Proverbs & sayings
  13. Compare with other countries
  14. Location

By Naeem Noor | Updated on April 18, 2024

Reviewed by Rittika

Tunisia or the Tunisian Republic is the northernmost country in Africa, a part of the Maghreb region. It is bordered by Algeria to the west, Libya to the southeast, and the Mediterranean Sea to the north and east. The capital is Tunis, located on the northeastern coast. The population consists of Arab-Berber, European, and Jewish, and the official language is Arabic. The dominant religion is Islam in the country, and Tunisians use Tunisian Dinar as their currency. The country code is +216, along with the official domain “.tn.”

“Freedom, Dignity, Order and Justice” is the national motto written in Tunisia’s constitution. Habib Bourguiba the founder of the country was a lawyer, nationalist leader, and statesman leading the country as the president from 1956 and 1987 after achieving Tunisia’s independence from France. Independence Day, the 20th of March 1957, is celebrated as the national day. Mohamed Bouazizi is considered a national hero. He set himself on fire as a response to confiscating his wares and the harassment and humiliation inflicted on him by the government. Red and white are the national colors of Tunisia, which form the Tunisian flag: the red crescent moon and star on a white circle sitting on a red background.

Dromedary is the national animal of the country as there are plenty in the desert areas of Tunisia. Another symbol of animals and the national bird is the Cream-Coloured Courser. Tunisia is known for its beautiful flowers, Jasmines which are another important cultural symbol, and the national tree olives. Couscous, a dish of small steamed granules of rolled durum wheat semolina, is considered the national dish along with the globally famous North African mint tea as the national drink. The National Monument Of The Kasbah, located in Kasbah Square, is a memorial monument and a prominent national symbol of several important events in Tunisia, referred to as the national monument. Royal Mausoleum Of Tourbet El Bey is the national mausoleum that houses the tombs of most of the Husainid dynasty rulers of Tunisia.

The Tunisian poet from the 20th century Aboul-Qacem Echebbi is the national poet of the country. Fiddle, Oud, And Kanun are the national instruments that are mainly used in Tunisian music. The traditional national dance is called Nuba which involves acrobatic movements along with belly dance movements and is usually performed with jars filled with water on the head. The national dress of Tunisia is called jebba, which is a men’s costume with a long sleeveless tunic worn over a shirt, a vest known as a farmla, and trousers named sarouel. Jinns are the mythical creatures of Tunisia, which are pretty common in Islamic cultures. Lastly, the national airline is called Tunisair.

Kaïs Saïed is the current President of Tunisia.

– Further information regarding the symbols and knowledge of Tunisia can be found in the table of contents –

Country information

Former name(s) Ifrīqiyyah
Official name(s) Tunisian Republic
Alternative name(s) Republic of Tunisia (official, English)
Regional location Northern Africa, bordering the Mediterranean Sea, between Algeria and Libya
Country name etymology "Land of Tunis"
Climate Temperate in north with mild, rainy winters and hot, dry summers; desert in south
Terrain Mountains in north; hot, dry central plain; semiarid south merges into the Sahara
Population 11,818,619
National Day 20 Mar 1956
Language(s) Arabic
Religion Islam
Country code +216
Literacy rate 79.0%
Currency Tunisian dinar
Capital city Tunis
Domain(TLD) .tn
Ethnicity Arab-Berber, European, and Jewish
Head of government Head of Government
Nationality Tunisian
Driving side Drive on the Right-hand side
Date format dd/mm/yyyy
Total area 163,610 km² (63,170 sq mi)
Timezone UTC+1 (CET)
Average elevation 246 m (807 ft)
Coastline 1,148 km
Mains electricity 230 V
Emergency telephone numbers Emergency Telephone Numbers

Coat of arms

Flag map of Tunisia

Flag map of Tunisia

Motto of Tunisia

Ḥoṛiya, Kaṛama, 'Adāla, Niẓam - "Freedom, Dignity, Order and Justice"

National animal of Tunisia

The National animal of Tunisia is Arabian camel

National Animal of Tunisia - Arabian camel

National flower of Tunisia

The National flower of Tunisia is Jasmine. Botanical name is Jasminum.

National flower of Tunisia - Jasmine

National bird of Tunisia

The National bird of Tunisia is Cream-coloured courser

National bird of Tunisia - Cream-coloured courser

Rest of the National symbols of Tunisia 👇

Neighbouring countries of Tunisia

Tunisian Proverbs - Popular quotes, proverbs and sayings.

He, who gives you a rope, tie him with it.

He eats the fruits and insults the farmers.

We praised the bride, and she was found pregnant.

A house without an old man or woman is like a farm without a pit.

They ate our food, and forgot our names.

He ate one fig and he thought the autumn had come.

Hold onto the dog’s tail until he gets you across the river.

Avoiding the drop, he found himself under the gutter.

They asked the mule who his father was.

We will live in no house, but the one in the cemetery.

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