testabd is a country in .
. The emoji flag of the country is , and the ISO code is .
The national dish of testabd is . , in addition to being a traditional beverage, is one of the country's national drinks. The national instrument of testabd is .
The country has the timezone followed by as the standard date format.
The capital of the country is , which is also the largest city in testabd.
The country's total area is , and the total population is . The country's average elevation is , whereas the country's terrain can be defined as; . The country's usual climate can be described as; .
The serves as the national unit of currency, and is recognized as the country's central bank. The domain for testabd is and the country code is . is the country's coat of arms.
The national dress of testabd is the , and 3 Mar 2025 is designated as National Day. In testabd, the majority of the population practices as their religion.
Nature is a blessing from God and we must protect it because it provides us with the oxygen and food to survive. It also helps to keep our environment beautiful and clean. To emphasize the significance of nature, testabd has selected a few forces of nature as national symbols. is both the national bird and animal of testabd. The national flower is , whereas is the country's national fruit. The national tree of testabd is the , and the highest peak is .
is the founder of testabd. The country's national anthem was written by , and composed by .
Mausoleums are buildings dedicated to holding someone's remains. It serves as a reminder of the nation's revolutionary fighters who sacrificed their lives for the country. Mausoleums are one of the most significant historical landmarks. The national mausoleum of testabd is , and the country's national hero is .
Numerous organizations are working on a global level to improve the current state of affairs and to collaborate in order to establish and maintain constructive partnerships. testabd is a member of the . testabd collaborates with them to organize, analyze, and address various events and situations.
The tourism slogan of the country is "" whereas, "" is the official motto of the country.
is the current Prime minister of testabd, and is the President.
- Further information regarding the symbols and knowledge of testabd can be found in the table of contents -
The National animal of testabd is
The National flower of testabd is . Botanical name is .
The National bird of testabd is