Langar (Community Kitchen) symbol

Symbol Langar (Community Kitchen)
Religion Sikhism
Origin Established by Guru Nanak.
Meaning Signifies the Sikh practice of providing free meals to all, promoting equality and community service.
Appearance Community kitchens in Gurdwaras where volunteers prepare and serve meals.
Colors Varied, reflecting the diversity of Sikh communities.
Usage An integral part of Gurdwara activities, emphasizing selfless service.
History Inaugurated by Guru Nanak to break down social barriers and promote equality.
Popularity Ubiquitous in Gurdwaras worldwide.
Importance Embodies the Sikh principles of selfless service and equality.
Complexity Involves coordinated efforts of volunteers and community engagement.
Emotions Elicits feelings of community, compassion, and shared humanity.


  • Naeem Noor

    As a graduate in Modern Literature, my fascination with symbolism, especially the symbolism of nations, drives my work at SymbolHunt. Through my articles, I passionately delve into the hidden meanings behind national emblems and motifs. Drawing on my expertise in language and culture, I invite readers to join me on a journey of exploration into the rich tapestry of symbolism that defines our world, fostering a deeper appreciation for our shared cultural heritage.

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