National Symbols of South Korea

Last updated on April 7th, 2023 by Editorial Staff

Table Of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Country Information
  3. Coat of arms
  4. Flag map
  5. Country motto
  6. National animal
  7. National flower
  8. National bird
  9. Rest of national symbols
  10. State symbols
  11. Neighbouring countries
  12. Proverbs & sayings
  13. Compare with other countries
  14. Location

By | Updated on April 7, 2023

Reviewed by Rittika

The Republic of Korea is in East Asia, located on the Korean Peninsula. The capital is Seoul. The unofficial name of the country, widely used in the media is South Korea.
South Korea is a state that occupies the south of the Korean Peninsula in East Asia and some nearby islands. The Yellow, East China, and Japanese seas of the Pacific Ocean wash it.
The Republic of Korea is a state with a very homogeneous ethnic composition. More than 98% of the country’s population is Korean. The second largest ethnic group is the Chinese, there are about 100 thousand of them in South Korea.

The official language is Korean. English is also common (it is mandatory for studying in middle and high schools) and Japanese (it is known mainly by the elderly since the Japanese occupation). More than 46% of the population of South Korea consider themselves atheists. Another 29.2% of South Koreans are Christians (18.3% – Protestants, 10.9% – Catholics), and more than 22% – are Buddhists. The currency of South Korea is the Korean won. Its designation is KRW. The domain is .kr and the country code is +82.

National symbols of South Korea include the Flag, Emblem, National Anthem, State Seal of South Korea, and national motto.

Every nation has its own favorite animal. Among Koreans, such a “national” animal is the Siberian tiger. Tiger is the hero of proverbs and fairy tales, sayings, and legends. Korean people regard this animal as one of the national symbols of South Korea.

The national dish of Korea can be considered kimchi. It is simply impossible to imagine a Korean table without it. Kimchi is a fermented cabbage with red pepper.
South Korea has traditional sports of its own, as well as sports from different cultures and countries. But Taekwondo is the representative national sport of South Korea.

– Further information regarding the symbols and knowledge of South Korea can be found in the table of contents –

Country information

Former name(s) Goguryeo
Official name(s) Republic of Korea
Alternative name(s) Korea Republic
Regional location Eastern Asia, southern half of the Korean Peninsula bordering the Sea of Japan and the Yellow Sea
Country name etymology The name Korea derives from the name "Goryeo". The name Goryeo itself was first used by the ancient kingdom of Goguryeo, which was considered a great power of East Asia
Climate Temperate, with rainfall heavier in summer than winter
Terrain Mostly hills and mountains; wide coastal plains in west and south
Population 51,269,185
National Day 1 Mar 1919
Language(s) Korean
Religion Christianity, Korean, and Buddhism
Country code +82
Literacy rate 97.9%
Currency South Korean won
Capital city Seoul
Domain(TLD) .kr
Ethnicity Predominantly Korean
Head of government Prime Minister
Nationality South Korean
Driving side Drive on the Right-hand side
Date format yyy/mm/dd
Total area 100,363 km² (38,750 sq mi)
Timezone UTC+9 (Korea Standard Time)
Average elevation 282 m (925 ft)
Coastline 2,413 km
Mains electricity 220 V
Emergency telephone numbers Emergency Telephone Numbers

Coat of arms

Flag map of South Korea

Flag map of South Korea

Motto of South Korea

No official motto

National animal of South Korea

The National animal of South Korea is Siberian tiger

National Animal of South Korea - Siberian tiger

National flower of South Korea

The National flower of South Korea is Rose of Sharon. Botanical name is Hibiscus syriacus.

National flower of South Korea - Rose of Sharon

National bird of South Korea

The National bird of South Korea is Korean magpie

National bird of South Korea - Korean magpie

Rest of the National symbols of South Korea 👇

Neighbouring countries of South Korea

South Korean Proverbs - Popular quotes, proverbs and sayings.

A physician’s neighbour is never a doctor.

A sheet of paper is lighter if two of you don’t try to carry it.

The bull that is used to the sun shivers by the light of the moon.

One moment is worth more than a thousand gold pieces.

If you want a well, only dig in one place.

The frog forgets that he was once a tadpole.

Tall branches are apt to be broken.

Tap even a stone bridge before crossing.

Put something off for one day, and ten days will pass.

There is no winter without snow, no spring without sunshine, and no happiness without companions.

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